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Burn More Body Fat: The Real Goal of Weight Loss Programs

Most people think that all weight loss is the same; that any reduction in the number on the scale is good. However, this is not true. Just because the scale says that you weigh five pounds less doesn't actually mean that you have improved your health. The pounds you lose are actually a combination of muscle, water, and fat. Depending on how your weight loss program is designed you may be losing a lot of water and muscle but very little fat. What you really want to have happen is to lose as little muscle as possible and to burn body fat instead.

In fact, you want to increase your lean muscle mass because muscle burns more calories than fat. Muscle is more dense than fat, and so it takes more energy for your body to maintain your muscles. So the more toned you get, the more calories you will burn even when you are resting. Fat is your body's preferred energy storage vehicle and it won't give up that stored energy without a fight. Unfortunately, if you are only dieting and not doing any type of weight bearing exercises you can end up losing more muscle than fat. That's why it is important to stick with a program that will make your body burn body fat as you tone and strengthen your muscles.

It is interesting that a person who appears to be healthy on the outside could actually be unfit and carrying excess fat. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there. The best way to find out if you are carrying around excess fat is to get tested. A fat caliper device can accurately tell you what your fat percentage is. There are also machines that use electrical impulses to determine if you need to burn body fat or not.

One way to burn body fat and save muscle is to make sure that you include some type of weight bearing exercise in your routine. As noted before, by increasing your muscle mass you will increase your metabolism which will allow you to burn more fat faster. Make sure your routine works all of the major muscle groups including the arms, thighs, and abdominals. This ensures you won't inadvertently lose muscle you want to retain.

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