Business & Finance Home Based Business

Working From Home Doesn"t Have To Be Isolating

Working from home, in addition to be a wonderful and freeing experience, also happens to be a rather isolating experience for many. Now those that have businesses that involve party plans are not quite as isolated as many of the rest of us. But many work at home parents have a tendency to become completely and totally isolated from the world around them. We don't have a water cooler and co-workers to talk with and many of us turn to virtual friends and online water coolers (bulletin boards) for that important adult interaction, but when business picks up we tend to withdraw even from those resources.

The problem is that when your home is your office and you don't have to deal with the 'real world' by that I mean commutes, ripped stockings, soup on ties, and hair cuts and hair styles on a day to day basis, it is easy to hole yourself up in your office and only come out for necessary activities such as eating and sleeping. This is not a healthy environment for you, your family, or your business. Operating your own business is hard and it is often even more difficult to strike a balance between working too much and not working enough, however, you must get out occasionally and in touch with other humans (those you aren't related to) and remember why you want to work from home in the first place.

Here are a few things you can do to help keep you on track as far as work goes while providing some much needed time outside the office as well.

1) Join professional organizations in and around town. By joining organizations such as your local chamber of commerce or other professional organizations that relate more specifically to your chosen career and attending meetings you are accomplishing two things: first, you are getting outside the confines of your home office and second you are networking, which is a vital skill for the growth of your business.

2) Join local civic groups or community organizations. By becoming involved in causes you believe in you are getting out and about and most importantly staying in touch with the world outside your office doors.

3) Purchase tickets to plays, concerts, movies, and events ahead of time. Doing this puts you in a position where you have no excuses not to attend. We get to the point after a while where it is easier to stay in our offices everyday than it is to go out and face the world. We get out of practice with the curling iron and cosmetics and find that it much more of a hassle to go through the motions required for a night out than we feel it is worth sometimes. However, going out and getting away from home, hearth, and computer for a night is just what the doctor ordered sometimes.

Working from home shouldn't be your shield from the world. We all have our reasons for wanting to work from home, but I'm sure that most of us will admit that isolation can at times be lonely. It is good to get out and get away and the things I mentioned above will provide a means for you to do just that.

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