Health & Medical Parenting

Stopping Child Abductions - Seven Tips

Stopping child abductions is something every parent takes interest in.
This article has been written to share seven things you can do to help reduce your risk.
They're simple things people don't think about sometimes.
  1. Do you have a lawn or gardening service? Some sort of yard service? After workers leave for the day check all openings to the home.
    Windows, doors maybe even dog doors when you go to bed.
  2. If you are parents, or a parent who works late have a code word.
    A word your children and you know in case someone else has to pick them up.
    Make sure they know, unless someone uses the code word not to leave with them.
  3. You don't want to put your children's names on their clothes.
    As much as it burns to lose a jacket, it's always worse to lose your child.
    Jackets will always cost less.
  4. Often if a child screams as loud as they can abductors will flee.
    Teach your child if anyone tries to grab them scream "KIDNAPPER" or "FIRE" as they are always sure to get attention.
  5. This one can never be shared enough.
    Know their friends.
    Know their hangouts.
    Try and know or even coordinate with parents of your childs friends.
  6. Try and have an after school program with other parents in the neighborhood.
    Maybe a safe house the children can go to after school.
    Maybe offer to provide snacks and drinks.
    Or maybe a movie.
  7. Find out about the security program in place at the school or daycare your child attends.
    Make sure you are familiar with the outlines.
    If you see something you think can be better, speak up! Parent's input is usually appreciated if it's constructive.
So there ya have it.
Seven simple tips you can start practicing today.
Sometimes the simplest measures have the biggest impact.

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