Business & Finance Loans

Financing a Franchise. Here’S 4 Things To Worry Or Panic About When Looking For Your Franchise Loa

Financing a Franchise in Canada. We're all for ' un worrying €, and not panicking, but the reality is that there are some key issues, financial, and otherwise when it comes to success in this entrepreneurial segment of the Canadian economy. And yes, the right franchising loan, or combination of loans

Although we're focusing on franchising finance, there are of course other issues to get ' un worried ' about. They might include your overall personal suitability to be a franchisee in your franchisors system.

You also want to be able to have a strong comfort level that you have aligned yourself with the right franchisor. We're proudly Canadian of course, but we can't forget that many very solid franchise opportunities come out of the U.S. market based on their organization in Canada. In some cases you might be dealing with the Master franchisee of a U.S. organization, someone who has simply purchased the rights to the Canadian territory. Lucky them!

Another key aspect, our third in fact is the structure of the franchise when it comes to franchise fees and royalties. The reality also is that this issue is a key component of financing a franchise. Let's explain.

Although disappointing to many Canadian prospective franchisees typically the actual franchise fee is not financeable unless you are dealing with a very specialized franchise loan firm. This is typically shown as ' Goodwill ' on your balance sheet, reflecting the value of your franchise relationship from a financial perspective.

So make sure to carefully assess your ability to include that part of your business commitment in your total cash flow and cost to acquire the business strategy. The most typical franchisee fee we see when franchises are in the 350k range tends to be $ 25,000.00.

Right behind the franchisee fee when it comes to addressing our ' worrying ' are the royalty payments that come with your franchise obligation. More often than not these tend to be in the 6- 8 % range, and are a key driver in your cash flow analysis. That's a good chunk of your profits if not managed properly.

So, we have covered off 3 key things to worry about when it comes to buying and financing a franchise - your overall suitability to run your own business, picking the right franchisor as a long term partner, and finally franchise and royalty fees.

Oh yes... about that financing!! In Canada your business can be financed by a specialized franchise lender, the government via the BIL/CSBF loan program, and a combination of lease and working capital finance options from the non bank sector.

Want to get unworried about financing a franchise? Seek out and speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian busines financing advisor who can ensure you have access to the right financing options, and round our your franchising loan with the right combination of debt and working capital. Get ' un worried ' today!

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