Health & Medical Women's Health

Venus and why we love this gal weather

Hey ladies! Fall is here and I know how much our Venus clients love the outdoors and this weather. I have to tell you that I absolutely love this weather. I don't know but there's just something mystifying about this time of year. I love the chill in the air and having my pumpkin flavored coffee! If your wondering if you read the heading correctly you did. This is GAL weather.

Here at home my girlfriends and I love to create new types of little crafts around this time of year. We take turns each week going to one another houses. We make a whole night out of it. We turn up the music and we start off with some foolish dancing to get the blood flowing and then we get into some snacks, before dinner and dessert. This time of year we experiment allot with pumpkin inspired cakes, cookies, muffins you name it and we probably tried putting pumpkin in it.

we also make crafts like I said before but I'm a pumpkin lover so I try to get the girls to bake as much as I can, ) .Its a really nice time when all the ladies come together and just focus on each other and having a good time. We can't wait till it gets a little bit colder so we can go on our nature walks. I love the brisk air and the silence that this time of year brings to the outdoors. My friend brought along one of her coworkers on a walk with us and she's never heard of Venus. I know how dare she! Anyway her coworker needed to pee but she didn't want to squat and take down her pants, it was also pretty cold out that particular day. So I handed her Venus and she looked at me like I had three heads. She had no idea what it was. Well after I got my blood pressure back down to normal from her not knowing what Venus was I explained to her very calmly what it was for.

I never got mad. After she used it she could not believe that she didn't know about us before. Needles to say she now is an avid user. Its mind boggling that so many ladies go through such torture when needing to find a suitable bathroom when all they really need is to just reach into their pocket and grab a Venus. The best female urination device around! WEHEWW Sorry got a bit excited. So enjoy your fall weather and pumpkin lattes and cakes! Go on a nature walk and breathe in the brisk fall air. Have a great week and will speak again soon.

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