Re Mortgage With CCJs - UK Help & Advice
Need to Remortgage but have CCJs & live in the UK ? - Here we explore a bit more about what actually are CCJs.
It is a judgment for debt in the county courts.
If a judgment is settled in full within 30 days of the date of the judgment it will not appear in the uk bad credit register.
If a payment is made after 30 day then ajudgment will still appear in this register but will be shown as being satisfied.
Note: If a judgment has not been settled or indeed has been satisfied, this may lead to some re mortgage lenders turning down a re mortgage application.
However, the good news is there are now several lenders specialising in a dealing with remortgage if you have ccjs.
Want to Re mortgage but have CCJs? - Any creditor can take legal action to recover any debt owing to them in a County Court [hence the name county court judgements].
Claims of upto £5,000 are known as the 'small claims track' and county court hearings are informal.
The 'fast claims track' is generally for 1 day trial claims of up to £15,000 with costs recoverable being limited.
The 'multi-track claim' is for all other cases.
Any person, firm, partner.
company, or trustee may take proceedings within a County Court.
If you disagree with any judgements made then you may appeals to the Court of Appeal.
Is this what happened to you ? Need to Re mortgage but have CCJs? - A judgement of a County Court may be enforced in a number of ways: (1) A charging order imposing a charge on any such property of the debtor as may be specified in the order.
(2) Appointment of a receiver.
(3) Warrant of execution issued by the district judge against the debtor's goods which can then be seized.
(4) Earnings order attachment making deductions from the debtor's earnings and paying them to the county court.
(5) A 3rd party garnishee ordering payment to the creditor the debt he owes to the debtors.
It is a judgment for debt in the county courts.
If a judgment is settled in full within 30 days of the date of the judgment it will not appear in the uk bad credit register.
If a payment is made after 30 day then ajudgment will still appear in this register but will be shown as being satisfied.
Note: If a judgment has not been settled or indeed has been satisfied, this may lead to some re mortgage lenders turning down a re mortgage application.
However, the good news is there are now several lenders specialising in a dealing with remortgage if you have ccjs.
Want to Re mortgage but have CCJs? - Any creditor can take legal action to recover any debt owing to them in a County Court [hence the name county court judgements].
Claims of upto £5,000 are known as the 'small claims track' and county court hearings are informal.
The 'fast claims track' is generally for 1 day trial claims of up to £15,000 with costs recoverable being limited.
The 'multi-track claim' is for all other cases.
Any person, firm, partner.
company, or trustee may take proceedings within a County Court.
If you disagree with any judgements made then you may appeals to the Court of Appeal.
Is this what happened to you ? Need to Re mortgage but have CCJs? - A judgement of a County Court may be enforced in a number of ways: (1) A charging order imposing a charge on any such property of the debtor as may be specified in the order.
(2) Appointment of a receiver.
(3) Warrant of execution issued by the district judge against the debtor's goods which can then be seized.
(4) Earnings order attachment making deductions from the debtor's earnings and paying them to the county court.
(5) A 3rd party garnishee ordering payment to the creditor the debt he owes to the debtors.