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Truck Accident Attorney 101 - Arm Yourself With the Right Tool

It is mind blowing to think a split-second can change your life forever.
Every year thousands of truck accidents occur and drastically alter the lives of those injured.
Large truck collisions are destructive by nature; a big rig is huge and heavy.
The force and impact of colliding with a tractor trailer can cause severe personal injuries and even death.
The federal government, in response to tallying truck accident accounts, created the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).
The FMCSA provides uniform regulations for truck companies and truck drivers to follow.
In addition, the FMCSA mandates regular testing to show truck companies and truck drivers are in compliance with the regulations.
For example, one regulation deals with Driver Disqualifications and Penalties.
A commercial driver (tractor trailer driver) can be penalized from driving a commercial motor vehicle after disobeying serious traffic violations, among other violations.
The following behavior can disqualify a driver from operating a commercial motor vehicle: (1) Speeding excessively- any speed 15 mph or more above the posted limit; (2) Driving recklessly- including but not limited to, offenses of driving a motor vehicle in willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property; (3) Making improper or erratic traffic lane changes; (4) Following the vehicle ahead too closely; (5) Violating State or local law relating to motor vehicle traffic control (other than a parking violation) arising in connection with a fatal accident; and (6) Driving a Commercial Motor Vehicle without obtaining a Commercial Drivers License.
Every year, FMCSA violations such as these are overlooked, often resulting in life threatening large truck accidents.
For example, in the case Johnson v.
of Minneapolis, Inc.
, the court found a commercial vehicle that caused an accident with another vehicle was in violation of 12 federal commercial vehicle regulations.
The truck collision resulted in the death of two people.
In addition, the commercial vehicle in this case had supposedly undergone inspections regularly, meaning that the truck company believed its truck to be in compliance with the law, when in fact it was not.
Crash investigators working for the plaintiffs' attorney found the 12 regulation violations.
These 12 violations could have been the difference between a very successful outcome for the truck accident victim and a mediocre outcome.
A truck accident attorney with years of experience handling truck accident lawsuits and working with the FMCSA regulations will know how to go about such a complex and detailed task.
If the plaintiffs' attorneys did not know the ins and outs of trucking law, this case may have had a different result.

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