Health & Medical Hearing

The Cost Of Hearing Aids, Searching High And Low

Hearing aids boost the hearing quality of individuals with hearing difficulties. These are electro acoustic devices that fit in or behind the ear of the user meant to amplify and transform sound for the user. This cost is affected by a variety of factors that include the price incurred on research and development of these hearing gadgets, manufacturing costs, customization of every hearing aid to cater for the needs of the user and the duration spent by professionals selecting fits and programs among other services. The modern technology can also determine hearing aid cost. For instance, the more advanced the technology used, the more expensive the cost of the hearing aid becomes. However, professionals may offer payment plans or guidelines on various funding options for these aids.

Different types of hearing devices have different prices. For example, a classic hearing aid for right ear may cost $899. The smart touch hearing aid pair goes for $2855. The top digital hearing aid costs $4880 each. Most of these hearing aids are for individuals over the age of 18.

Basically, the cost of these aids range from as low as $1200 to as high as $4800. Many individuals are however not able to pay for this cost since they live below the poverty line thus unable to raise the funds to afford the hearing aid cost. Most private insurance companies do not cover cost incurred on hearing aids or batteries for these aids. There is very limited help available for hearing aids and only a few banks offer loans for the hearing aids. This is one of the reasons why the hearing aids are so expensive to individuals experiencing hearing problems. For the hearing aids that require surgery, the cost is even higher because of the post-surgery expenses. For instance, a hearing aid surgery can cost as much as $ 30,000 less the expenses to be incurred when nursing the patient after the surgery.

There are different kinds of hearing aids to assist in improving the quality of hearing of patients with hearing complications. Examples include the cochlea and canal implants. The artificial structures of the ear are implanted to assist in transmission of sound waves and information to the ear and to the brain for interpretation. The cost of maintaining these implants especially those fixed externally is very high as well as very risky.

Due to the high cost of hearing aids, sufferers have come up with ways of raising finances to cater for their hearing aid expenses. Such strategies include patients financing their aids using their medical flexible spending account. This medical account assists the individuals to save at least $1400. The hearing aids can also cost individuals a portion of their monthly pay. The cost can be deducted from personal gross income to cater for the hearing aids and their batteries. The state rehabilitation services can also offer assistance to the employees with hearing losses. This ensures the hearing aid cost is relatively low for the sufferer.

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