Business & Finance Renting & Real Estate

Never Pay Rent - First Time Homebuyer Grants

American taxpayers who are currently leasing apartments all over the country can stop paying rent if they go after first time homebuyer grants.
What really is the point in throwing away your hard earned money month after month, to help pay someone else's monthly mortgage payment...
your landlord's? The most common answers to that question are, "But I can't afford to purchase a home", "Where will I find the down payment money", and "My credit history report is really poor".
While these are quite valid concerns for the potential home buyer, all of these obstacles can be virtually barreled over by acquiring free first time homebuyer grants from the United States government, particularly now, while the American housing market is weak and the property prices are dramatically decreasing.
The first thing to take into account is that the government has a fiscal responsibility to all taxpaying citizens that requires them by law to distribute billions of dollars each year to taxpayers in various free government grant programs.
There are literally hundreds of these programs available nationwide to American citizens, and among them are first time homebuyer grants.
Regardless of your income, credit history, or lack of initial investment funds, the government may award you with abundant amounts of free home grant money to finance the down payment and closing costs of a new dream home.
Millions of American taxpaying citizens who are over the age of eighteen and have never purchased property before may be eligible to qualify for a great deal of first time home buyer and real estate grants that can enable them to sometimes finance close to half of their full mortgage, without ever having to pay a single penny back.
Combine this amazing advantage to the fact that American homes and properties are selling for just about half of their actual value, and what do we discover? Availing first time home buyers grants, now, during a recession, can pretty much get you a new home Scott free.
Shouldn't you start searching for your free government home grants today, so you don't have to pay rent tomorrow?

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