Health & Medical Health Care

Why Urgent Care Centers Are Amazing

Of course it would have to happen on a Friday.
All week long it has been blue skies and smooth sailing.
The weekend plans are shaping up and things are looking good.
You are driving home from work and that tickle in the back of your throat that you have been ignoring all day has become course sandpaper.
That flush in your cheeks is now a full blown fever, and the hammer in your head will not let up.
You know that this is not something an aspirin and a cup of hot tea will fix and the worst part is that you know it is also too late to call your doctor for an appointment.
The thought of spending a weekend in bed tossing and turning with no relief in sight is more than you can bear and you resent the fact that your doctor thinks that people only get sick Monday through Friday during office hours.
You call your best friend because you need a shoulder to cry on, and she tells you about the Urgent Care Center she took one of her children to recently.
This Is The Real World If real life were only like the quick, happy endings on a television sitcom where every problem seems to get solved within that 30 minute time frame.
Sometimes it feels that our health care system is designed for people who only need doctors during business hours.
In their world, nobody gets sick on a Friday night or weekend.
Even if you did fall sick on a Tuesday, chances are you would not get an appointment for another several days.
Urgent Care Centers can be an oasis in this 'doctor-less' desert! It is possible that you are not sick enough to go to the ER but you are too sick to handle things alone.
Urgent Care Centers are open on weekends and evenings making any non-life threatening emergency completely manageable.
There are now almost 9,000 of these centers throughout the country which means that it can be a convenient drive for the relief we need that we cannot get from our primary care physicians.
Why Are Urgent Care Centers Different? The first thing you will notice is that your wait time to see a provider is usually 30 minutes or less.
Compare this to a trip to the ER where you can wait for hours, especially if your condition is non-life threatening, as patients in critical condition will be seen first.
If you decide to go to a retail store clinic, you will be seen by a nurse practitioner.
Urgent Care Centers will be more likely to have Medical Doctors on staff.
They also offer imaging services such as lab tests and X-rays that are not available in a retail store clinic.
Getting into to an Urgent Care Clinic immediately instead of waiting for an appointment can also prevent your condition from getting worse and being more costly in the end.
Saving time, money, and health makes Urgent Care some of the best care.

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