Business & Finance Business Insurance

Accident Insurance Is Must In Todays Time

The major perception is that having a health insurance policy is sufficient to cater to financial strain associated with treatment of diseases and hospitalization. However, health insurance policy has its own limitations. What if an accident causes severe blow to one of your limbs or results in permanent or partial disability? If you do not have an abundance cash reserve, you will be find it very difficult to meet with the medical expenses. Hence, it is essential to take personal accident insurance so that when the unexpected happens you would not be robbed of your hard earned money.

Accidental insurance is extended towards people generally up to the age of 65 years. If you have a family then you can cover up your entire family by selecting family floater plan. This policy provides coverage at a very affordable price for your dependants. The best part about this policy is that it provides coverage not only in India but across the globe. Any permanent or temporary disability incurred due to accident is also covered under this plan as any kind of disability can prove catastrophic for the entire family.

Highlights of personal accident insurance police

When an accident happens, you cannot be sure of the aftermaths. If you have a good accidental policy in place at least the financial burden would be taken care of. Majority of the policies would provide coverage against the following:

Provides coverage if injured in an accident
Extends compensation to the individual and family members if there is income loss due to accidental death or disability
In case of disability monetary assistance is provided to meet varied needs of the family
Daily allowance for hospitalization expenses
Cremation cost is also taken care of if the policy holder does not survive

General exclusions of accidental policy

It is essential that you also pay attention to the exclusions of the accidental policy. It would help you save from last moment coverage denials, thus saving your precious time and also giving you ample time to arrange for finance at your end.

Self-inflicted injuries
Attempt to suicide or Suicide
Death or disability resulting out of pregnancy/ child birth
Meeting an accident while driving under the influence of any kind of intoxication
Accident arising out of war or associated perils

This policy is a real boon for middle class people who try so hard in keeping pace with the inflation. This would secure you against any unprecedented event and you can safely pursue your other dreams.

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