Business & Finance Investing & Financial Markets

A Venture Capital"s Dream and Your Ride to the Bank?

So you have a good idea and you believe it will make you a billionaire! Well the first thing you might want to do, is keep your mouth shut.
Speak only about your project to people who can fund you or people who can help you.
Depending on the complexity of the idea, it could be stolen right from under you.
Finding an Attorney that you feel comfortable with may be the next best step.
Make sure you keep proof of your meetings, ideas and conversations in case there are question down the line.
The next step is to look for funding.
Depending on what your idea is, you may be able to Fund your business with credit cards, savings, second mortgage on your home, money from family members or sell a small percentage of the business.
You could also contact a Venture Capital Firm.
Venture Capitals are commonly known as VCs.
Venture Capital Firms can pump millions or even a billion into a new idea, usually for a piece of the action.
And when your company goes public, they reap the benefits.
To determine if you have a life altering idea, look at history pass.
What ideas can you remember that changed the way people live or work? The horseless carriage surely was a Venture Capital's dream come true.
This changed transportation throughout the world.
Another life altering invention was the Radio and TV.
This changed the Entertainment Industry forever! Moving closer to present times, we see the Personal Computer evolution.
Bill Gates was right on top of this one.
He may not have been the first to come up with an Operating System for the Personal Computer, however, he knew what to do with his vision once he got it! Perhaps in the near future, we will have flying cars, or personal shuttles to travel into outer space, or personal rocket boosters to fly us through the air! Regardless of your invention or idea, if it helps people, it is important.
Every one knows that one of greatest formulas for vast wealth is to create a product or a service that can be provided to millions at an affordable price.
At this point, I just hope someone invents a wrist watch that will display TV stations from all over the world! But what you the inventor must ask yourself is: Will my invention put another Business or Industry out of Business? If the answer to this question is yes, then you may have a real winner.
You must be careful not to partner up with an Investor who would rather see you fail then succeed.

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