Health & Medical Mental Health

Obsessive Compulsive Hoarding Disorder

Obsessive compulsive hoarding disorder is not necessarily the same as OCD.
A lot of book authors and publishers just do not, and may never understand that.
This is because they don't have firsthand experience in dealing with it.
"Practice what you preach" is a fairly common phrase.
Well, how can one preach what they have never practiced? It works both ways.
So many authors do not understand, or do not care about that fact.
It's important to protect yourself from misinformation, and checking the source of any information you read for a sign of personal experience plays a big role in this.
If you truly seek to cure your mind of OCD, you need to talk with someone that has already conquered it.
Remember, obsessive compulsive hoarding disorder is not an ailment.
You do not require drugs to beat it.
Insight from a helpful person is needed, so that a proper solution can be provided, step-by-step.
OCD is a very powerful series of habits, and you need to change the way you think in order to take control, and break those habits.
They cloud your mind, and I know you don't want to live like this.
That's exactly what led you to this website! As you may have discovered, a lot of internet information isn't valid, or isn't precisely what you are looking for.
This is especially true with most forums about obsessive compulsive hoarding disorder.
These forums tend to have an abundance of people that just whine about their OCD problems, searching for pity to make them temporarily feel better.
Realistically, it does nothing for them.
They take no steps in the right direction because they are convinced there isn't one.
Maintaining a good, optimistic state of mind really does help so much.
Another method to help a lot is to hang out with others that do not have OCD.
What this does is allow you to see how they do things; how a mind unclouded by obsessive compulsive hoarding disorder perceives and acts.
Once you are able to separate the two, when you catch yourself in a compulsive habit, such as hoarding, you can tell yourself "Hey, this really isn't helping me; I need to think of something more beneficial.
What would I rather think or feel about that could make this stop?" Why partake is something that is just not helpful at all? Keep in mind that most sources from books you find are not from a firsthand perspective, and that severely limits their insight and ability to provide you with a fruitful and accurate solution to your obsessive compulsive hoarding disorder.
What's needed is for you to discuss the steps that need to be taken with someone that has had OCD in the past, but now lives free of it.
If you are serious about this, I'd recommend you keep away from the forums! What you shouldn't keep away from, however, are friends and relatives that live free of OCD.
Optimism and perception go a long way, my friend! The information you need in order to take control of your life, free of obsessive compulsive hoarding disorder are to be found in the link below! God bless you!

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