Travel & Places Travel Knowledge

Keeping Your Kids Safe on Vacation

I have taken my kids to several places over the years that are very crowded. And I always want to make sure they are safe. I have done this with a variety of different tools and techniques. So what I included here in this article are a couple of the ideas I have used.

I started off by giving my kids directions in case something did happen. The directions I gave them included how to find someone that worked in the theme park or wherever we were. You can do this also by pointing those people out to your kids when you first get to the place your taking them.

I also make sure I gave my kids a three by five card with my contact information on it. This way if they got separated from me they had on them my information and they could give it to the employee or security person I pointed out earlier.

I made sure my kids had a whistle. It sound funny but there first step if they are to ever get lost in a big crowd is to blow the whistle. This way if I am close enough to them, of course I will have a way to find them. When they were really young I put one of those little kid leashes on them. They have a bunch of cute ones now that look like back packs.

I have friends that give their kids walkie talkies or cell phones but I always just kept my kids educated on there options if they where to get lost as well as keeping them armed with the proper information to hand to the authorities and I always felt find with that. I honestly think simply going through this process I mentioned with telling your kids about who they should find if they ever got lost keeps "not getting lost" on their minds. Which is half the battle when your fighting your way through the crowd.

Something to remember if they ever do get lost is to stay calm and think clearly. Don't just run around yelling your kids name because it could let the wrong time of person know that you child is missing and it will also inform them of what your son or daughters name is. This puts them in a potential compromising situation if someone that shouldn't know their name does.

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