Technology Networking & Internet

Online Business â€" Google Adwords

Eventually everyone that wants to succeed in their online business venture has to try and use Google Adwords to generate traffic to their online business website. There just isn't any way of getting around it.

It shouldn't be that scary for the online business owner but there are so many stories around about people putting advertisements onto Adwords only to have a near heart attack when they get the bill. This can be especially trying if they have left it running untracked for a month or so.

If you haven't already registered for an Adwords account then you should go to Adwords and register now. This part is quite self explanatory.

Once you have your account set up and you know what you want to sell then you should start thinking about a headline for your advertisement. Headlines should make the person reading them inquisitive so questions or statements such as €What the guru's didn't want you to know€ generate interest in the readers mind.

Your headline should also include your major keyword. For example if you were selling jade jewelry it would be important to put €Jade Jewelry' into your headline as people searching for jade jewelry will most likely use this term to find you.

Remember also that Adwords ranks your advert against the keywords that the potential customer searches for and the more targeted the customer arrives at your advert the more likely they will be to purchase if they open your advert up. Why? Because the searched for €Jade Jewelry' and your advert is there sitting right next to the search engine results. Bingo! You have exactly what this person is searching for.

The second line of your advert should be another short sharp statement describing what you think is one of the top benefits or attributes of your product. It could read like this: Jade Jewelry €" Handmade with Australian Jade €" then your website. This just gives a bit more of an explanation to the customer and may entice them to click on your link and proceed to your web page.

Now your advert is ready to choose keywords for and then run it on Adwords but how do we know that it is the best possible advert for our purposes? To find this out we need to conduct a split test and this means running two similar adverts at the same time with them being slightly different. The second advert we might choose to run could read like this: Handmade Jade Jewelry €" Made right here in Australia.

Running these adverts together will give us an indication of which one attracts more clicks and sells more products. Once you have chosen a winner out of these two then you should keep the top one and then run it against another competitor. This means that you are constantly improving your advertisements and over time you should end up with some fairly sleek advertisements that you will have good confidence in.

Google Adwords has the highest potential of any program to deliver highly targeted traffic to your site. Online business owners should not be scared of using Adwords but they should make sure that they split test their adverts against each other to come up with the best possible presenting advert and this should be done at all times when using Adwords.

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