Health & Medical Women's Health

During Menopause, Exercise Is Key As An Alternative Hormone Replacement Therapy

When Alternative Hormone Replacement Therapy is your choice in relieving the symptoms of menopause, exercise may be THE best option.
If you're like me, during menopause (or more accurately called peri-menopause, the stage before your period ends completely), symptoms of hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats, heart palpitations, etc.
, etc.
, are more than just bothersome.
They are horrendous! So as I searched for the alternatives to getting drugs from a doctor, I returned to an exercise routine.
It had been years since I did much of any physical activity except for some walking or hiking now and again.
However, I was determined not to have to take some prescription in order to feel better during this transition and life-stage.
Common sense kept nudging me towards a more fit lifestyle as symptoms of menopause loomed over me.
As I researched Alternative HRT methods for menopause, exercise kept popping up as one strategy.
Well, believe you when I say it has been life altering! I started slowly with daily walks of about 20 to 30 minutes each.
Then I added a hike through my neighborhood state park twice weekly.
Almost immediately I began to have less hot flashes and heart palpitations.
As my fitness level began to increase, I bought some exercise bands and began resistant training.
This was simply doing bicep curls and other arm exercises along with some Pilates moves.
You can search online to find simple exercises that work for you.
With all the increased oxygen I was getting, my brain was clearer and I had no mood swings.
My family was sure happy about this! I was feeling normal again and everyone around me saw a huge difference.
My point here is that you have options out there concerning menopause and it's symptoms.
Don't be afraid to explore them and you will find something that suits your lifestyle and abilities.
What is important is that you do something.
Anything that keeps you moving, getting stronger and increases your fitness level.
I have to tell you that after 6 weeks, after suffering terribly with symptoms of menopause, exercise has been my saving grace! Don't let another minute go by without learning all the methods of Alternative Hormone Replacement Therapy.
Exercise is definitely a key to alleviating your symptoms.

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