How to Get Rid of Red Tear Staining Around Your Dog's Eyes
- 1). Mix 1-cup boric acid and 1-cup cornstarch in a large bowl.
- 2). Add enough milk of magnesia to make a smooth paste. Mix in one capful of hydrogen peroxide to treat severe stains.
- 3). Coat the stained area with paste using a toothbrush.
- 4). Allow the paste to dry before brushing it out.
- 5). Wipe the area with a clean cloth to remove excess powder.
- 1). Mix 1-cup boric acid powder and 1-cup cornstarch.
- 2). Apply the powder to the stained area. Pat gently for surface stains or use a soft toothbrush for stains that spread to the dog's facial features (long hair, mustaches). Allow the powder to stay in the fur for several minutes.
- 3). Brush excess powder from the fur.
- 1). Boil distilled water. Remove from heat and allow to cool.
- 2). Add 1 tbsp. of boric acid powder for each cup of boiled water. Stir until all crystals are dissolved.
- 3). Add seven swabs per dog being treated to a plastic container.
- 4). Pour the boric acid solution over the cotton swabs. Cover the container. Store the container in a cool place.
- 5). Use one swab daily to clean your dog's eyes.