Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk - Reviewed

About a month ago, we heard Gary Vaynerchuk talk at a seminar we attended with our son.
And then we had lunch with him.
Before the seminar, we had not heard about his book, but once we talked with him, I was eager to read it.
It is called Crush It.
And in his book, Vaynerchuk discusses the wine industry from a marketing perspective.
He is interested in showing his readers how to build their business.
Because we can learn principles from all areas of life, I decided to pick up a copy and begin reading it.
First of all, you need to know that Vaynerchuk's story is fascinating.
He is from Russia and came over to America as a child.
He and his family lived with relatives when they got here.
His dad did not have many opportunities for work, so they were poor for a long time.
After a few years, his dad opened a liquior store.
When Vaynerchuk was in high school, his dad hired him at $2.
00 an hour to sweep the liquor store.
Vaynerchuk knew he could have been making a lot more money if he had been doing something else, but his dad knew he would learn a lot just from working hard.
And he absolutely did! Eventually as a young adult, Vaynerchuk and his dad built their store into one of the biggest wine stores in New Jersey.
They were selling roughly $2 to $3 million dollars worth of wine a year.
Vaynerchuk started making videos about the wines he liked or did not like.
And he would put those online.
He would Tweet about those.
He had Facebook fan pages.
He had a blog.
He was using social media to get the word out about his products.
Vaynerchuk's main idea has to do with "crushing it" in your business.
He also gives three rules that he lives by: to love your family, to work super hard, and to live your passion.
He believes if you will do these three things, and he talks about these in his book, that you can be successful.
I really think that is important to start with.
What is his basis? Because a lot of us would say, God and family are first.
Now, I do not know where he stands spiritually, but I know that he believes that family is first.
And then work is second.
And then to live your passion.
To be able to go ahead and do the things that you have a passion for because then they will not seem like work as much.
Vaynerchuk's book is worth reading.
Many of his principles can be adapted to any niche and help build a business and take it to the next level.

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