Business & Finance Blogging

How Important Is Grammar and Spelling on Your Business Blog?

Grammar and Spelling is important on your business blog, (or any blog for that matter) for several reasons.
On a business blog, your blog content is a direct reflection of your Company.
It corresponds directly with the products which you sell.
Regular readers seeing misspellings and typos will start to doubt your business savvy and knowledge solely based on this fact.
If you can't take time to correct common typos, perhaps you don't really know the topics you are talking about.
First time visitors or people stopping by to browse your blog will get a bad overall "first impression" when landing on your blog post.
If the post is full of typos and misspellings, they may stop reading, or their overall first impression won't be good.
Sadly, they will more be apt to judge you based on the grammatical and spelling errors and not judge your overall expertise on whatever topic the business blog is based on.
The sheer fact that you haven't done your due diligence and checked your errors will point blank, jeopardize your readership.
Quite honestly, with modern technology, there's no excuse for it.
Most blogs have a built in spell check feature.
If you are producing posts yourself, make sure to use a spell checker on your blog before publishing content-even if you have read or re-read your post several times.
If this feature is slow or hard to use, then to alleviate any issues, you could simply write your posts in a Word document, spell check, then drop them into your blog.
It is also important to check blog titles and keywords for grammatical errors.
If you aren't producing the content yourself and instead paying a content writer or third party to do blog posts, you must stress the importance of spelling and grammar.
Even though you are asking that they use the spell checker on every post, you should still be spot checking their work.
After all, this blog post is a reflection on your company and your product.
If your writer is automatically posting their blog content, it would behoove you to double check their first several posts, to make sure they are adhering to the guidelines, until you are familiar with their work.
Otherwise, have them send the posts to you, or someone within your business who will perform spell checks prior to posting them.
Remember, people will judge your business knowledge and expertise based on your ability to spell words.

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