Health & Medical Women's Health

Thrush - What it is and How to Treat It

You wake up a couple of mornings after that wonderful weekend feeling that something isn't quite right down there.
Then the itching and burning starts and you groan, grab your car keys and head to the drug store for a cure for thrush or more commonly known as a yeast infection.
A weekend of over indulging and other pleasures are not the only things that will cause thrush.
There are a host of other influences that will trigger a yeast infection, including diet, birth control pills, and fluctuations in hormone levels, stress, steroid use and antibiotics.
Antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals all work to destroy bacteria and other infections, but unfortunately kill the good bacteria we have as well, which works to keep candida under control.
Excessive alcohol consumption is another way to promote the symptoms of thrush and candida overgrowth.
Here is one thing to take note of: Try to avoid sexual contact when you have a yeast infection, because you can pass it on to your partner, and if this happens they will need treatment as well or you will get it back again.
Treatment Traditional so-called cures for thrush only treat the symptoms.
They do not get rid of it.
Sooner or later you will be back at the store buying more cream or filling another prescription.
Candida must be treated from the inside out.
The root cause must be addressed to cure it.
Natural remedies By consuming yogurt on a daily basis you can hinder the growth of candida.
It contains active cultures that kill the yeast.
It can also be used as a suppository or douche to treat thrush.
Start taking probiotics as well, to help regain the good bacteria in the intestines.
Acidophilus is one of the main ingredients beneficial in treating and preventing candida overgrowth.
Diet The diet plays a major role in promoting or curing candida and the symptoms of thrush.
By eliminating certain foods for a period of time, as with the candida diet, you will be able to successfully eliminate the overgrowth of candida in the system.
Here is a preview of the candida diet Foods to avoid Yeast-this is a must.
No foods that contain yeast should be eaten, as candida is in itself a form of yeast.
Sugar- this can be difficult, but candida feeds off of sugar.
No honey, syrup, molasses, or anything that contains fructose.
Fruit- it contains natural sugars and therefore are prohibited Simple carbohydrates- over processed foods and others that contain carbohydrates are not permitted Fermented foods- pickles and any other foods that contain vinegar are not eaten.
This includes condiments we love so much such as ketchup, mustard and relish as well as miracle whip.
As you can see, the candida diet is very restrictive, but the effort is well worth it when your symptoms no longer return and thrush becomes a bad memory.
Your body needs foods that are alkaline, such as fresh vegetables and lean proteins.
Nuts, if they are in their shells are acceptable.

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