Home & Garden Home Improvement

Types of Outdoor Solar Lights

There are many benefits to installing solar lights instead of traditional outdoor lighting solutions.
The most obvious is its ability to generate its own electricity and saves money on your electricity bill.
As long as there is sufficient exposure to direct as well as indirect sunlight during the day, solar powered lights can sustain itself for a very long time until the lamp burns out or the batteries lose their capacity.
There are generally three types of products available and they should suffice to fulfill just about all your outdoor lighting needs.
There are solar accent lights that produce a dim glow mainly for aesthetic purposes.
Then there are also brighter pathway lights and spot lights for more functional purposes.
With the improvements in technology the solar panels are more efficient and therefore less bulky and intrusive to the aesthetic design of the lights.
Solar accent lighting is the cheapest because of the low demand for bright lights.
The dimmer light produced means a lower wattage bulb which also means less energy is required.
For that reason most solar accent lights can sustain itself for two nights after a single days charge.
Pathway lights are required to be a little brighter for the safety of people.
These lights are used to guide steps, walk ways and drive ways.
Built with stakes to stick the lights into the ground these are easy to install.
The brighter lamps do require more energy but with LED bulbs that burn cooler than conventional lamps, solar lights can produce a reasonably bright beam in an energy conscious way.

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