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Where To Find Teaching Jobs In Vietnam

Deciding to teach in Vietnam is one thing. Finding a job is another. There was a time when a native-speaking teacher could practically step off a plane and walk into a job such was the demand. These days, competition is much stiffer.

Partly as a result of economic downturn in the West, people are turning to Asia to find their fortunes. Or without exciting opportunities back home, young people are taking some time to work abroad and see more of the world. The end results is that its become harder to find a good job. Unless one knows where to look.

There are a few common spots to find jobs, but due to the vast distance between teachers and their prospective employers, there will often be a bit of a twist.

1) Direct Connections
2) Indirect Connections
3) Job Postings
4) Direct Inquiries
5) Recruiters
6) Pounding Pavement

#1 Direct Connections

This method is so obvious that many people neglect it: Do you know anyone who has taught in Vietnam before? Chances are you heard it from someone who was already there: an aunt, uncle, cousin, friend, or a friend of a friend. That person may be able to point you in the right direction, or even give you a reference for a reputable school. It could be just that simple. But probably not.

#2 Indirect Connections

Its the age of social media. People are better connected than ever before, even to people they have never met. Most people will still not offer jobs to people they hae never met, but it is possible to get some very handy hints. Online forums are an excellent source of information, and they can lead to connections with people already on the ground in Vietnam, potentially a new social and professional network. Expat communities tend to be small and tight-knit.

#3 Job Postings

Many schools, especially larger schools or national companies, will post job openings on directories of English jobs. These are invaluable as both a way of getting a job and to get an idea for what is competitive. Be very wary of a job that doesnt post salaries and benefits, though. And should you get hired from abroad, be extra careful in the beginning. Dont give out any personal documentation until youre sure the job is on the level. And a job posting should NEVER require any fee of the job hunter. Its the employer that pays their fees.

#4 Direct Inquiries

Its possible to do the due diligence before ever leaving your home country. With a few hours on your favorite search engine, it should be fairly straightforward finding out which schools are the most reputable, what the compensation is like, and how to get in touch with those schools. It will probably be on their website. A school with an English version of the website is a good sign. Get in touch with whoever is in charge of hiring and inquire about the availability of work. Just be ready for some potentially broken English in the reply. Working at an English school doesnt guarantee fluency.

#5 Recruiters

Recruiters are potentially a good option, so long as its a good recruiter. There are many shady individuals out there waiting to take your money, so be careful choosing a recruiter (or recruiters). These will generally be people who are well connected locally, however, and will be a one-stop shop for a variety of jobs. Just keep in mind that a recruiter shouldnt ever ask for money up front.
If they do, its probably a scam. A reputable recruiter will only get paid if you get a job, but the fees can be substantial. Its typically half of the first months salary. And then they get the same amount from the school. But so long as the jobs good, it
could be worth the expense.

#6 Pounding Pavement

Risky and potentially rewarding, it is certainly possible to just pack up and go. Many people find it the best way to find good work is to just go for it. It should be fairly simple to find a hostel or guest house to stay in while you hand out resumes. The manager of the place where youre staying may even have seen it before and be able to offer some guidance. This is a very effective method because potential employers can see that youre committed to staying. Just be sure that youre not taken advantage of by knowing the expected benefits and salary for your position.

Basic Safety Concerns

Whether youve found work online or have decided to pound the pavement, there are a few basic safety precautions.
1) Always stay at accommodations you booked yourself. Even if the school provides you with a place, which it probably will, stay the first night somewhere else until youre sure everything is on the level.

2) Dont hand out personal documentation during the interview. If its a school that hired you from abroad and youve checked it out, its fine to get documentation going on the first day. Otherwise, its not normal to hand out passports and such during a job interview.

3) Upfront fees are scams. It doesnt matter if its a school, a recruiter, or a job board. Dont pay upfront for anything. If its a reputable paid service of any kind, it will only require you to pay based on the success of their service.

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