Secret Home Remedies For Toenail Fungus
If you work in the general public service sector then it can be very embarrassing if you are afflicted by a nail fungus.
However there are some nail fungus home remedies you can try out and they should be able to help you get back to a normal life.
The remedies are not only meant to reduce the infection but get rid of it completely.
Many of the items are easy to find in the home and are quite cheap also.
You can also mix plain vinegar and water in the same ratio and then dip your hands in the solution.
If you do this twice a day your infection should start clearing off after about a week.
You can them employ a nail file to file off any remaining bits but you should be careful not to file off your nails too much.
The filing can be done after you have soaked your nails for sometime and they are soft.
Vicks Vaporub is also very effective and if it is applied twice a day results can be seen as soon as one week after you begin treatment.
The period varies from person to person as the level of infections also varies greatly.
In some cases it may even take 3 months or more for the infection to completely clear up.
You may also make use of the vitamin E oils in your house as a form of cure.
If applied twice a day it is a very effective means of taking care of the fungus.
It may take quite a while but it gets the job done plus you also have the benefit of growing healthier and longer nails.
You can also soak your nails in Listerine mouth wash once or twice a day.
The antiseptic will work on your toe nails and leave them looking healthy and free of any fungi.
It is also relatively fast acting so if you do not have the patience to go with any other slower methods you can give this a try.
Apart from plain vinegar you can also use cider vinegar to treat yourself.
Let you nails soak for at least half an hour twice a day each day and you should get results after two weeks.
You nails will also be longer and clearer if you decide to go with this method.
Prevention of another emergence of the fungus is just as important as curing it because you do not want to keep treating the same thing over and over again.
Avoid exposing your nails to moist and warm environments for long periods of time.
Avoid wearing wet shoes and make sure your feet are always dry too.
Nail fungus home remedies are pocket friendly and quite simple to implement for the cure of any nail fungus that you may have been infected with.
You should go to a doctor if you have a more severe infection so that you can be advised accordingly on what measures to take to improve your situation.
You can also ask him to recommend a home remedy rather than going for the pricier pharmaceutical products.
However there are some nail fungus home remedies you can try out and they should be able to help you get back to a normal life.
The remedies are not only meant to reduce the infection but get rid of it completely.
Many of the items are easy to find in the home and are quite cheap also.
You can also mix plain vinegar and water in the same ratio and then dip your hands in the solution.
If you do this twice a day your infection should start clearing off after about a week.
You can them employ a nail file to file off any remaining bits but you should be careful not to file off your nails too much.
The filing can be done after you have soaked your nails for sometime and they are soft.
Vicks Vaporub is also very effective and if it is applied twice a day results can be seen as soon as one week after you begin treatment.
The period varies from person to person as the level of infections also varies greatly.
In some cases it may even take 3 months or more for the infection to completely clear up.
You may also make use of the vitamin E oils in your house as a form of cure.
If applied twice a day it is a very effective means of taking care of the fungus.
It may take quite a while but it gets the job done plus you also have the benefit of growing healthier and longer nails.
You can also soak your nails in Listerine mouth wash once or twice a day.
The antiseptic will work on your toe nails and leave them looking healthy and free of any fungi.
It is also relatively fast acting so if you do not have the patience to go with any other slower methods you can give this a try.
Apart from plain vinegar you can also use cider vinegar to treat yourself.
Let you nails soak for at least half an hour twice a day each day and you should get results after two weeks.
You nails will also be longer and clearer if you decide to go with this method.
Prevention of another emergence of the fungus is just as important as curing it because you do not want to keep treating the same thing over and over again.
Avoid exposing your nails to moist and warm environments for long periods of time.
Avoid wearing wet shoes and make sure your feet are always dry too.
Nail fungus home remedies are pocket friendly and quite simple to implement for the cure of any nail fungus that you may have been infected with.
You should go to a doctor if you have a more severe infection so that you can be advised accordingly on what measures to take to improve your situation.
You can also ask him to recommend a home remedy rather than going for the pricier pharmaceutical products.