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A Golf Training Bag Improves Impact

Impact is the moment of truth. It's what dictates where your ball is going to go, and how far it will go. Using a training bag, specific for golf will dramatically improve your impact position in golf. There are many different ways to get back to the ball, just look at Jim  Furyk's golf swing, and you'll know what I mean. But teaching your brain and golf muscles the exact feel of a proper impact takes training and repetition.

Impact happens in a milla-second, so it's hard to hit balls and attain the proper impact position during the swing, but hitting into this golf impact training bag allows you to check the position of your hands, clubshaft and clubhead at the moment it hits the bag. This is critical to learning the "feel" of a good impact position.

Another great thing about golf impact training aids like this one is you can do it daily at home to get results faster! The more repetitions you can get in consistently, the quicker you'll see improvement, and the improvement will stick. So you can take it to the course, and know it will hold up under pressure for 18 holes of golf.

The bag is soft, so hitting into it will not damage your wrists or shoulders, but you do need to make sure, you don't swing too hard into it for too long, as you will get sore joints. I would also recommend doing impact drills in front of the mirror when you hit the bag, so you can quickly look up into the mirror and see the position your body, hands and clubshaft are after every swing into the bag.

Another fantastic training device for better ball striking is the golf impact training club. This is a revolutionary club that forces you to hit the ball with a forward leaning shaft or the ball will not get airborn. It can be a very frustrating aid to train with, but when you do it right, the golf ball is compressed 100%, and the ball flight will be something you've never seen before. 

And, the sound the ball makes when the clubface impacts it is something you'll yearn for on every shot after you hear it just one time.

As you can see, training for golf is a viable option, and for any golfer looking to improve, must happen, as the golf swing is like any other sport movement, that takes physical preparation to improve. Without training (golf practice) the amateur golfer cannot expect to ever reach their true potential.

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