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The Most Important Tool to Run Successful Meetings

Do you wish you ran better meetings? You could buckle down and improve all your meeting-management skills.
But nothing will help you more than your ability to design an outcome-based agenda.
What is That? Put simply, an outcome-based agenda is a plan that states "what will have changed" by the end of the meeting.
One to three outcomes should drive the meeting-usually not more, depending on the meeting's length.
As the meeting leader, you both develop and execute the meeting outcomes.
In essence, they are your job description for the meetings' duration.
Meeting outcomes always begin with the words, "By the end of this meeting, we will have...
" The verb you choose to finish this statement is of utmost importance.
Do you see the difference in the examples below? They are listed in the order of complexity:
  • "By the end of this meeting, we will have discussed...
  • "By the end of this meeting, we will have brainstormed...
  • "By the end of this meeting, we will have decided...
The biggest mistake meeting leaders make is promising more than the meeting can deliver, based on the time allotted.
Using the outcome statement with a future perfect form of the verb ("will have ________ed)"helps you achieve what you promise.
How to Develop an Outcome-Based Agenda 1.
Get input from stakeholders.
(Stakeholders may include meeting members, their bosses, or anyone with a "stake" in the ultimate meeting product.
) Ask them, "What do you think should be included in our next agenda?" Stakeholder input is essential.
However, it's YOUR job to synthesize the input you receive, and to weigh and decide what can realistically be accomplished in the time that you have for the meeting.
Using stakeholder input as the core, create the meeting outcome statement.
Always begin with the words, "By the end of this meeting, we (or you) will have...
" Choose a verb that is achievable in the time frame allotted.
For example, for a 45-minute, very first meeting, the outcomes might include: "By the end of this meeting, we will have learned more about the problem and brainstormed possible solutions.
" If your meeting is ninety minutes long, you could say instead: "By the end of this meeting, we will have:
  • learned more about the problem,
  • brainstormed possible solutions, and
  • made preliminary choices of the best solutions.
Can you sense the difference in time needed for these two very different sorts of meetings? 3.
Put the outcome statements at the top of the agenda.
E-mail them to meeting members.
Write them on the whiteboard and state them at the beginning of the meeting.
Any way you can, make it very clear what "will have changed"as a result of the meeting.
Guess what? By using these guidelines to develop and use an achievable outcome statement, your meetings will become shorter, less painful, and more productive.
I guarantee it!

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