Home & Garden Architecture

How Do I Fasten a 2 x 6 Board to a Concrete Wall?

Preparing the 2 x 6

Determine where on the wall the 2 x 6 will be attached. Measure and mark carefully at least two of the outside corners of the board while it is in place on the wall. This will allow you to put it back in the correct location after you have drilled your pilot holes.

A pair of saw horses makes a great work surface for the next few steps, but you can also use a workbench or even your kitchen table. Choose a sturdy, level surface and lay the board down. Measure and mark a spot 1 inch from each corner. If the board is more than 36 inches long, make the same mark in the middle of each long edge.

Drill completely through the 2 x 6 in each corner and any other spots you marked. Don't rush it. Pushing the bit through the board too fast can break out the back of the board. Use a countersink drill bit to countersink the pilot holes to allow the heads on the Tapcon anchors to run in flush with the surface of the board.

Installing the Board

Install a 3/16-inch mason's bit in the drill and hold the 2 x 6 in place. Drill into the concrete 1/8 inch through each of the pilot holes drilled in the previous step. This will serve to mark the pilot holes in the wall. Set the 2 x 6 aside and drill holes in each marked location. You will want to use 3-inch Tapcon anchors, so drill your holes 1¾ inches deep.

Make sure the concrete dust is blown from the pilot holes thoroughly. Hold the 2 x 6 in place. Start at one corner and drive a screw into each hole with a screwbit in the drill. Tighten them until the screw heads are level with the surface of the 2 x 6.

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