Health & Medical Nutrition

How To Limit Your Food Intake Over The Holiday Season

When Thanksgiving and the rest of the holidays roll around every year we all know what happens.
We see sumptuous meal after meal offered to us.
How can we prevent ourselves from eating too much yet still enjoy our dining experience? Here are a few tips.
It usually starts on Halloween.
There is plenty of candy around the house and the temptation is there to indulge.
It is important to keep the candy out of sight, don't leave it out on your counter where you can see it.
You will be less tempted to eat the sweets and may even forget that it's there if you put it in a drawer or cupboard.
The day after Halloween, throw all of the candy in the house out except for the sweets your kids collected.
Ration it out to them, don't just let your children have it whenever they please.
You will be teaching them healthy eating habits.
When you go to a family member's house to eat on a holiday use a smaller plate and put less food on it.
This will give you the illusion that you have served yourself a large portion when in reality you have not.
Remember, the less you serve yourself the less you will eat.
Limit your alcohol intake, beer and wine have a way of adding unwanted pounds.
If there is a buffet table, take a moment, look at what is offered and decide what you want.
You don't have to sample everything, even though you will be tempted to do so.
Decide in advance how many return trips you are going to make and stick to your plan.
Wait a little while before you have seconds.
It takes your stomach time to let your body and mind know that you are full.
Even if you want more food after waiting, you will not eat as much.
So let's recap:
  • Keep Halloween candy out of sight and throw it out after October 31
  • During holiday dinners use portion control
  • Limit your alcohol intake
  • Don't eat everything at the buffet table, pick and choose what you want
  • Wait before having seconds
Follow these simple steps and you will eat healthier and feel better about yourself during the holidays.

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