Health & Medical Anxiety

How Do I Know I Am Suffering From Anxiety Disorder?

As humans, our bodies are designed with a mechanism that helps us act when we need to.
This is called our 'fight or flight' mechanism.
When faced with danger, or something frightening, our heart rate will increase, our blood will pump faster, we'll feel excited and anxious; and essentially, we'll be ready to act.
We'll be ready to either stay and fight or run away.
This 'fight or flight' mechanism is triggered by certain hormones in our bodies.
The problem is that many people's 'fight or flight' mechanism is out of whack.
These people feel that rush of blood, that rapid heartbeat, that nervous tension and that panicked feeling all the time.
This is called Anxiety Disorder.
Anxiety disorder is characterized by several symptoms, such as: •Rapid heartbeat •Nervousness •Overactive sweat glands •Overactive thoughts •Negative thoughts •Shaking or trembling •And many more.
If you suffer from any of these anxiety disorder symptoms, you don't have to live with them.
You simply have to find out what's causing your anxiety disorder symptoms and then you have to treat the source.
Sometimes, however, the anxiety you feel may be caused by a chemical imbalance.
If that's the case, you may need to see a doctor so that he or she can correctly evaluate your situation.
There are many pharmaceutical drugs that can help with anxiety.
These essentially calm you down so that you no longer feel so jittery and panicked.
But you should try other things before you resort to seeing a doctor for your anxiety disorder.
Meditation and Deep Breathing When you suffer from anxiety disorder symptoms, you just feel panicked.
Even if there's nothing really going on, and even if your life is fine at the moment, you may feel as though you're freaking out.
Whenever you begin to feel this way, you should try to find a quiet place and meditate.
Close your eyes clear your mind and focus on your breath.
You'll want to take long, deep breaths until your heartbeat begins to slow and the rest of the anxiety disorder symptoms subside.
Soon, you'll get good at this and you'll be able to stop your anxiety disorder symptoms from cropping up at the least opportune moments.
By simply closing your eyes and breathing deeply, you'll be able to calm yourself so that you can once more take life head on.
The main thing to remember about anxiety disorder symptoms is that many people suffer from them.
You are not alone.
You simply have to learn how to relieve yourself of these symptoms so that you can live your life normally.
Everyone's different and anxiety is caused by a myriad of things; so find what works for you so that you can rid yourself of anxiety once and for all.

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