Home & Garden Green Living

The Benefits of Smoke-Free Living

New Year's Eve has come and gone but many of us are still struggling to keep those resolutions.
For some it's to lose those last 5 or 10 lbs.
, but for others, it's to finally quit the pack a day or social smoking habit and live a smoke-free life.
We all know that smoking is expensive and extremely habit forming, but yet, there are so many of us that just can't put that last cigarette out, get off the couch and out of the apartment into some fresh air.
In addition to feeling better and adding years back on to one's life, here are some of the additional benefits to living a smoke-free life.
Living Clean Have you noticed that your apartment walls have been looking a little yellow? That's not time, that's smoking.
Years of smoking in your house can discolor your walls, embed stale odors into your furniture and make your living space smell less appealing.
A smoke free lifestyle will greatly improve your living situation and make it easier to sleep at night.
It will also create a more eco-friendly lifestyle, by removing toxic smoke from the air, making it easier to breathe for both you, your family and if you live in a pet-friendly apartment, your family pet! Breathe in, Breathe Out Did you know that within 20 minutes of stopping smoking your blood pressure, pulse rate and body temperature return to normal and within 8 hours your carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal? Ever have that wheezing, out of breath feeling after walking up the steps to your office or apartment? Within two months of quitting your circulation and lung functions improve.
Your lungs become cleaner and reduce infection and coughing and fatigue improve.
Saving Your Future Self When you choose to live a smoke-free lifestyle, not only will you be helping the world out by removing toxic fumes from the environment, you'll also be saving yourself a lot of trouble down the road.
Within two months of living a smoke free lifestyle, two months your circulation and lung functions improve.
Lungs become cleaner and reduce infection and coughing and fatigue improve.
After one year your chance of having a heart attack is reduced in half and after five to 15 years your risk of stroke is reduced to that of a non-smoker.
It's never too late to make a fresh start and toss the pack! Your body, your family and your friends with thank you for it!

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