Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

6 Ways to Fall Asleep Fast

Some people really have trouble to fall asleep. If you are one of them spend your night tossing and turning and wondering how you can get a good sleep (even fast), then follow through the guidelines below.

The given are the tips and suggestion on how to fall asleep fast. If you feel you have been going through miserable and brain-dead situations since a very long time, then try these wonderful ways to fall asleep fast.

Tips and suggestions:-

1. Stretch:-

Drifting off to sleep is difficult if your body is tense. So to relax those muscles what you need to do is to have a good stretch. Just slowly stretch your arms, legs and back and flex every part of your body. This will definitely make you yawn and make you fall into deep sleep faster at night.

2. Routine:-
You may have heard, bedtime routine is good for health. But did you know, it is best for making you sleep faster. Odd sleeping habit sometimes causes you to have a problem with sleeping that is why, make one particular time to make your brain understand and to set your body accordingly for sleep at night.

3. Wind down:-

Of course, it is impossible to get sleep, if something is distracting you. If you have computer in your bedroom, then you better switch it off before you want to go to sleep, and give yourself time to wind down. This is the best practice to fall asleep fast.

4.Sex: -

This may sound completely odd, but according to studies, this has proven that sex could be one of the most popular ways of falling asleep. To fall into deep sleeps, it is important that your body should be relaxed, and for that reason what else could be a way to make you relaxed after sex? So give it a try and fall asleep afterwards with your partner.

5.Comfort factor:-

Sometimes the snoring problem can cause you to stay awake. If your partner has a snoring problem, you can always bring her/ him the Anti Snoring device, to avoid snoring noises coming from your partner.


According to research, this has also been stated that, some alternate sleeping position can help you to fall asleeps. So try a different yet comfortable position to see whether it makes you fall asleep or not. Of course, sleeping position varies from person to person, so based on your comfort-feeling, choose your sleeping position.

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