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Sewage In India Is Major Concern For Its Infrastructure Progress

As per the survey 80% of sewage in India flows untreated in rivers, lakes and ponds. This turns waters polluted. People in villages still use this water and get targeted to various diseases. It is said 40,000 million liters of sewage is generated in India per day. This sewage can easily be used to irrigate 9 million hectares. However only 20% of it is used as per survey. Not a single city of India can cover 100 percent sewage system. And this is purely due to less focus on water sewages. There are few cities that cover 70 percent of sewage sytems. They are namely Pune, Chennai, Surat and Gurgaon.

Due the lack of sewage system in India, as per survey India is highest user of groundwater with more than 20 million irrigation wells across the country and almost 80 percent people still depending on self-supply of water for personal consumption.It is said that 40 percent of the total sewage treatment capacity of the country exists in just two cities - Delhi and Mumbai. As per survey there are 302 class one cities and 467 Class two towns with no sewage treatment facilities. Of the 21 percent of sewage passing though treatment plants in B towns, only 60 percent really meets the required standards. Overall, this means that just about 12 percent of sewage generated in Class once cities and class two towns meet the standards.Sewage has failed to keep up with the urban expansion in India. Also Sewage has lead to huge health problems in India.Sewage water has nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus. The nutrient value of this water is between Rs 75 per hectare per annum and Rs 400 The only way out is to set up systems wherein this water can be used for irrigation and fertilization in fields.

Efforts are made to control the sewage by various sewage treatment plant in India.One of them is Eurotek India that provides sewage treatment. It has a detail oriented plant that gives proper treatment as aerator for wastewater. Correct amount of Oxygen is supplied to waste water so that biochemical oxygen demand and chemical oxygen is reduced. This treatment is done so that it encourages the growth of desirable micro-organisms.Newer technologies have been developed over the past few years for the treatment. They have dual function which reduces energy consumption they have got excellent technology that ensures quiet operation that reduces the risk of noise pollution.

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