Family & Relationships Family & Relationships

Top 10 Things You Don"t Know About Girls

To help you figure out the female species more easily, here are the top 10 things you don't know about girls - decode what's in her head and save yourself some stress from now on:
  1. They like guys as much as guys like girls.
    It's true.
    They may seen too detached and hard to reach but girls do daydream and think a lot of guys when they're alone or when they're with their girlfriends.
    So, hurray!
  2. They want your undying attention.
    Girls want to feel special and they want you to notice them big time.
  3. They play-hard-to-get so you get to chase after them.
    Girls never want to be viewed as easy-to-get, thus, the playing-hard-to-get technique.
    So be patient.
    It's all going to be worth it.
  4. They take extra time to look good for you.
    Ever wondered why they take hours in the bathroom? Girls are vain and the good news is, half the reason is they want you to notice how pretty they are.
  5. They also get nervous on first dates.
    Girls also yearn for approval when meeting up with a guy.
    So when you start feeling all nervous on a date, remember that she probably is too.
  6. They get easily jealous with other girls.
    Girls can be competitive - thus, they tend to suddenly turn cold as ice after you've chatted with another girl.
  7. They are scared to get dumped.
    So they dump you first.
    It's reverse psychology sometimes.
    So don't feel all that sore when she dumps you.
  8. They can be a bit clingy.
    That's just how it goes.
    Girls are born that way - they want you to check up on them every chance you get.
  9. They hate it when guys ignore them.
    It crushes their ego big time when you do - so show a little love and make her feel special.
  10. They think you're cute - but won't let you know about it.
    Is she showing signs she likes you but tells you otherwise? Relax.
    Give her time.
    It will come sooner or later.
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