Technology Electronics

How to Measure Car Speakers

    • 1). Measure the physical size of the speakers. Measure the diameter of round units at the outer cone. Measure oval cones at height and width to be sure they match the openings in the car. Measure the depth of the speakers from the face to the end of the magnet to determine if they can fit into the space behind the openings.

    • 2). Look at power ratings for car speakers to match them with the car stereo power output per channel. The figures mark the number of watts each channel can handle in two ratings: peak power and maximum RMS handling. Use the RMS figure as it shows the amount of power each channel can handle continuously.

    • 3). Check speaker sensitivity ratings to see how much power will be converted into sound, instead of wasted by creating heat. Sensitivity is especially important for getting quality sound from lower power systems.

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