Technology Technology

Virtual Dressing Room

Virtual Dressing Room:

We are the in the world of drastic change in technology day by day. Each day we are looking for new application (apps) to be developed for our day to day activities. For example virtual road map, virtual game app and lot of other virtual apps which will serve us for our day to day activities. In this catalog, our Sivakasi engineers Mahesh kumar & Team have added another app called Virtual Dressing Room by using the technology 'Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence'.

Purpose of Virtual Dressing Room:

The main purpose of this Virtual Dressing Room application

€ To save time
€ To give safety and Satisfaction especially for women shoppers
€ To avoid damage to the dresses
€ For Better selection in a short time
€ And variety of choices in a single place.

How the technology of Virtual Dressing Room Works for Customers and Business?

For Customers

Most of the customers would like to see how the dress will look for them if they wear the dress. They will get tired by running to the trial room and the shopping area by trialing the dresses number of times. In addition to this, the major problem for our male shoppers is that they need to wait for a long until the women shoppers selects the dress/products. After a long time of selection process they will buy the dress with less satisfaction and will leave the shop by thinking about the other dresses they have tried. This situation will be changed with the help of virtual dressing room.

How it works?

The dress patterns and colors of the materials have already been saved in the system. The customer can go and stand in front of the mirror to choose the dress material they want to buy. When the customer stands in front of the screen (acts like a mirror), the sensor of the system will sense the height and width of the customer and it will display the chosen dress material by fitting to the customer. If the customer wants to choose another dress material they can simply move their hand to choose another dress. When the customer chooses the dress material, again it will automatically fit to the customer's image based on their height and width and it will display in the TV screen. Therefore, the customer can choose "N" number of dresses and they can see their choice live on the screen by fitting to their virtual image.

For Business

In today's business world, entrepreneurs would like to get more profit with less timing and less damage. It is possible with the help of this virtual dressing room. This application will not require real dress to wear and try. This will have N number of dress patterns in a single place to choose. Therefore, the customers can choose the product with multiple options by standing in a single place and they can trial multiple dresses virtually within short period of time. This will help business to reduce damage of the product and increasing the sale in short period by giving more satisfaction to the customers.
This application will also help the business by giving accurate reports on the products which have been sold out to large number of customers and which have chosen by the customers for large number of times. Based on the statistics, they can go for particular vendor to purchase the dress materials.

This application will also help business by adding N number of dress patterns to the dashboard by which the customers can view multiple products. Therefore, this application will give major benefits to the customers and to the business.

Will this virtual dressing room benefit other businesses?

Yes! Our engineers have designed this software not only fit for dress shops. It will also be used by other businesses like Jewelry, optical, Beauty parlor and even fashion designers can use this product for their ease of life.

Is that implemented anywhere?

Yes! Our engineers implemented demo this product in Kerala in one of the dress shop in Cochin.

What would be the upgraded version of this software?

Currently the software works on the basis of hand movements and physical movements of the customers. Moving forward, the engineers are planning to sense the eye movements of the customers. Therefore the customer doesn't even want to choose the product with the help of hand movement. The customer can only see the product to fit for their image and can choose the product in an easy way.

This product will make the life easier both for the customers and the business.

To know more about this product, you can directly contact the engineers of this product by calling +91 98943 66696

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