Technology Technology

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Digital Video Recorder Reviews/Top Picks

Digital Video Recorders are great for Recording lots of TV shows to watch on your own schedule.

Internal TV Tuner/Video Capture Card Reviews/Top Picks

Internal TV Tuner/Video Capture Cards let you Capture TV or Video to your Computer for viewing, editing, recording to DVD or using your computer like a Digital Video Recorder; pause Live TV, rewind and record programming with your computer.

External TV Tuner/Video Capture Device Reviews/Top Picks

These devices, sometimes called break out boxes, allow for TV or Video to be recorded to your computer via a USB 2.0 cable, and do not snap into a PCI or PCI-E slot inside your PC.

TV/Video/Media Center Software Reviews/Top Picks

TV and Video Capture software is the software used to bring TV and Video signals into your computer.Many allow you to edit the video or TV shows as well.

DVD Recording/Copying/Authoring Software Reviews/Top Picks

The software used to make copies of TV or Home Video.

DVD/Blu-ray Burning Drives Reviews/Top picks

DVD and Blu-ray recordable drives are a necessity if you want your TV or video content to be stored on DVD or Blu-ray for playback on a DVD player or Blu-ray player

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