Society & Culture & Entertainment Photography

Uses for a Flip Camera

    Home Video

    • You can use your Flip camera to capture memories at weddings, graduations, births, infant milestones, vacations and other family functions. The minimalist style of the Flip camera allows anyone to be the camera man, seeing everything in real time through the viewfinder and using the red record button to being recording. The Flip is light enough for even small children to hold easily. The Flip website notes that, as of the date of publication, the Flip cameras range in weight from 4.1 oz (MinoHD) to 5.9 oz (SlideHD).

    Video Blogging

    • With the ease of use of video cameras that include the Flip series, many online enthusiasts are sharing their thoughts through video blogs. In a article, published on July 13, 2005, author Katie Dean exemplifies the diversity of vlogs, stating that vlogs often have "a home-grown, experimental feel. People capture moments in their everyday lives. Some post cooking lessons, short films or videos of local festivals."


    • Engage students by using video clips or short movies made on your Flip camera to compliment their latest curriculum. You can take the Flip on field trips to record images of important points of interest on a field trip, provide demonstrations, have students create video presentations or record important school functions. The Flip FAQ website notes that as of the date of publication, "The Flip Video Education Program provides discounted pricing to teachers, K-12 Schools, School Districts and Higher Education in the United States.


    • Businesses can use the Flip camera to record presentation, capture media for marketing campaigns, capturing customer feedback, and creating simple films for advertising concepts and design. The Flip website notes the UltraHD and the the MinoHD can record up to two hours of footage, and the SlideHD can record up to four hours of footage. The Flip's ready-to-use software allows you to easily work on your Flip projects on any FlipShare compatible computer.

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