Discover How To Get Rid Of Cellulite With Simple Diet and Exercise
When it comes to eliminating cellulite many people turn to creams and other perceived easy fixes.
The problem with the easy fixes is that they will not do enough on their own to reduce the bumps in your skin.
A method that is extremely effective and more affordable is god old fashion exercise.
Aerobic and resistance training exercises are the perfect match for people who want to get rid of cellulite.
In order to effectively eliminate cellulite from your body you should exercise with light to moderately heavy weights at least 3 times per week.
Good exercises to perform are lunges and squats for the thighs and leg curls for the back of your legs.
You can always use other equipment as well like the leg press or reverse leg curl machine to target your problem areas from a different angle.
Along with the weight training you should also perform some cardiovascular exercises to facilitate fat loss.
Elliptical trainers and treadmills are great pieces of equipment to combat your cellulite.
Try and make each cardio session at least 20 minutes and get your heart rate up to aerobic levels of around 150 beats per minute.
Always stretch before each session to avoid muscle crams or injury.
Along with exercise you must also maintain a healthy diet that is not only low calorie but also low in fats and sugars.
Avoid fast foods and sodas, these are both packed full of fat and sugars and will have a huge negative impact on your efforts to get rid of your cellulite.
Instead stick with low fat food choices like fruits, vegetable poultry and fish.
You can even buy no fat version of many popular foods like milk, yogurt and even many snacks now come in low or fat free versions.
When you first start out a cellulite reduction program can seem like a lot of work.
But by making smart food choices and exercising regularly you can look and feel better and save a lot of money in the process.
The problem with the easy fixes is that they will not do enough on their own to reduce the bumps in your skin.
A method that is extremely effective and more affordable is god old fashion exercise.
Aerobic and resistance training exercises are the perfect match for people who want to get rid of cellulite.
In order to effectively eliminate cellulite from your body you should exercise with light to moderately heavy weights at least 3 times per week.
Good exercises to perform are lunges and squats for the thighs and leg curls for the back of your legs.
You can always use other equipment as well like the leg press or reverse leg curl machine to target your problem areas from a different angle.
Along with the weight training you should also perform some cardiovascular exercises to facilitate fat loss.
Elliptical trainers and treadmills are great pieces of equipment to combat your cellulite.
Try and make each cardio session at least 20 minutes and get your heart rate up to aerobic levels of around 150 beats per minute.
Always stretch before each session to avoid muscle crams or injury.
Along with exercise you must also maintain a healthy diet that is not only low calorie but also low in fats and sugars.
Avoid fast foods and sodas, these are both packed full of fat and sugars and will have a huge negative impact on your efforts to get rid of your cellulite.
Instead stick with low fat food choices like fruits, vegetable poultry and fish.
You can even buy no fat version of many popular foods like milk, yogurt and even many snacks now come in low or fat free versions.
When you first start out a cellulite reduction program can seem like a lot of work.
But by making smart food choices and exercising regularly you can look and feel better and save a lot of money in the process.