Home & Garden Home Improvement

Area Rugs - How to Extend the Life of Your Rug?

Whether you own a lavish area rug in your living room or a trendy oriental rug in the bed room, it is vital to utilize the best methods for its maintenance.
Although people love to buy quality rugs, they are not familiar with the best methods for their protection.
That is why they could not make the best on their investment and have to look for a new piece after every few months.
There are various methods that must be utilized for effective care of your rug: Vacuuming: In order to keep your rug in good shape, clean it with a canister vacuum cleaner.
The extent of vacuuming varies depending on the area in which you have placed the rug.
High traffic area rugs require vacuuming thrice a week while you can clean weekly if the rug is placed in low traffic area.
Oriental and Persian rugs need to be brushed with utmost care as fibers are very tender and can be damaged easily.
Spots & spills: It is so common to have a liquid spilled on your rug spoiling the looks of the rug right away.
If you face this situation, blot using a cotton towel.
Never rub the fibers of traditional area rugs and oriental rugs.
This can potentially damage the fiber layer and ruin the beauty of the rug.
Once you blot and rinse the spilled area, elevate the portion for drying.
Few rugs come with very thick cotton base and it becomes impossible to dry the spilled area.
In such case, use a hair dryer for best results.
Pet concerns: Pet stains are hazardous and tend to destroy the fibers badly.
Whenever you identify pet stains, check out whether these are dry or wet.
If the portion is still wet, you need to follow blot +rinse+ blot procedure.
However if the area is dry, make a mixture of vinegar and soda to damp it.
Rinse afterwards.
Professional cleaning: It is recommended to acquire the services of a professional rug cleaner if your rugs have irremovable stains and spills.
The experienced cleaners aid in giving your rug a new life through the use of professional cleaning methods.
Use Rug pads: Rug pads help in proper vacuuming of rugs as these help lift them a bit higher in order to let the air flow inside and out properly.
Thus the dirt can be removed more appropriately.
The rug pads also provide cushioning and prevent extensive wear and tear.
Thus if you are looking to buy quality rugs, add a rug pad in the shopping list as well.
This will help you in making the best out of your investment.
Key precautionary tips: Rotate the rugs every 3-6 months to prevent extensive exposure of a single portion to high traffic.
Consider inspecting your rugs every quarter for insect activity so that possible measures can be taken.
Never put planted pots on rugs as water can seep through the base and spoil the carpet.

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