Defining Privileges (Part 1)
I would like to take the time to discuss the idea of privilege.
But first, I would like to give a definition regarding this concept.
I define privilege as a special advantage, immunity, or benefit that is not enjoyed by all.
So let's talk about some areas in life that are I would consider to be a privilege.
Examples of privileges include the following list: toys, games, TVs, computers, cell phones, I-pods, Cd players, X-Box, Play Station, Nintendo Wii, video games, name brand sneakers, name brand clothing, cars, bicycles, and pretty much all material things (just to name a few).
Many people, with the fast paced, technological world we live in today are very clear about the things mentioned above.
However, there are some privileges that are more subtle and the truth is that most people really take for granted.
Some of the privileges we take for granted include the following list: living, breathing, having the ability to eat, having the ability to talk, to walk, to have privacy, and finally having personal space.
All of these things are also privileges.
I think every parent living today really knows this deep down inside, and they are doing their best to instill these values into their children.
Unfortunately, many parents just do not know how to during the heat of the moment and when they are frustrated.
Instead, parents use punishments, rewards, behavior plans and timeouts that are trying to teach their children the right way to behave with others, but all of the parent's energy is focused in the wrong direction.
But first, I would like to give a definition regarding this concept.
I define privilege as a special advantage, immunity, or benefit that is not enjoyed by all.
So let's talk about some areas in life that are I would consider to be a privilege.
Examples of privileges include the following list: toys, games, TVs, computers, cell phones, I-pods, Cd players, X-Box, Play Station, Nintendo Wii, video games, name brand sneakers, name brand clothing, cars, bicycles, and pretty much all material things (just to name a few).
Many people, with the fast paced, technological world we live in today are very clear about the things mentioned above.
However, there are some privileges that are more subtle and the truth is that most people really take for granted.
Some of the privileges we take for granted include the following list: living, breathing, having the ability to eat, having the ability to talk, to walk, to have privacy, and finally having personal space.
All of these things are also privileges.
I think every parent living today really knows this deep down inside, and they are doing their best to instill these values into their children.
Unfortunately, many parents just do not know how to during the heat of the moment and when they are frustrated.
Instead, parents use punishments, rewards, behavior plans and timeouts that are trying to teach their children the right way to behave with others, but all of the parent's energy is focused in the wrong direction.