Public Speaking: How to Self-Publish Your Book With Print-On-Demand
You know that public speaking book you have always wanted to write but never did because you would have to pay the printer to print hundreds more than you need and then store them forever in your garage? I have good news for you.
Now with print-on-demand, you can have a few or many books printed at a nominal price.
This means you can order just enough to sell from your website, at your book signing, at back-of-the-room sales during your seminars, or for giving away to promote your business.
Each book is printed when you or your client orders it and you only pay for the quantity ordered, whether it is one or 1,000.
At Antion & Associates, we're using createspace.
com for print-on-demand.
It's a free online self-publishing tool that helps you prepare your book for printing.
While compiling and formatting your book takes time, the actual process of uploading your book to createspace is very simple and consists of three basic steps: * Enter information about your book into the createspace software.
* Upload a.
pdf file of the content.
* Upload a.
pdf file of the cover.
After you upload the .
pdf files, you can order a proof copy for a few dollars and createspace will print it and mail it to you.
As soon as you approve the proof copy, createspace will make it available for purchase and even distribute it through Amazon.
com and other outlets.
When you or a customer orders, createspace will print as few or as many copies as you want.
The price of the book covers the production costs and your royalty.
It's a win-win because you have no setup fees and no inventory to store.
In addition, Amazon offers a lot of tips to help you self-publish your book through createspace.
Now with print-on-demand, you can have a few or many books printed at a nominal price.
This means you can order just enough to sell from your website, at your book signing, at back-of-the-room sales during your seminars, or for giving away to promote your business.
Each book is printed when you or your client orders it and you only pay for the quantity ordered, whether it is one or 1,000.
At Antion & Associates, we're using createspace.
com for print-on-demand.
It's a free online self-publishing tool that helps you prepare your book for printing.
While compiling and formatting your book takes time, the actual process of uploading your book to createspace is very simple and consists of three basic steps: * Enter information about your book into the createspace software.
* Upload a.
pdf file of the content.
* Upload a.
pdf file of the cover.
After you upload the .
pdf files, you can order a proof copy for a few dollars and createspace will print it and mail it to you.
As soon as you approve the proof copy, createspace will make it available for purchase and even distribute it through Amazon.
com and other outlets.
When you or a customer orders, createspace will print as few or as many copies as you want.
The price of the book covers the production costs and your royalty.
It's a win-win because you have no setup fees and no inventory to store.
In addition, Amazon offers a lot of tips to help you self-publish your book through createspace.