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How to Get a Divorce without Hiring an Attorney

A lot of the time when you hear of someone getting divorced, they have an attorney " it's really not necessary. The reason most people get an attorney is to ensure that they are protected and that the divorce is going to be fair for them as well as their spouse. However, attorneys are expensive and if you can avoid hiring one, you can save thousands of dollars. Here are some tips on how to get a divorce without hiring an attorney.

Do It Yourself

You can easily file for divorce on your own without the aid of an attorney. It's as easy as filling out the necessary forms. You can obtain forms from your local civil court division. Just make sure you have the correct forms for your state so you won't experience any problems or delays with your divorce proceedings. Another thing you want to check on is the filing fees. Although they are pretty inexpensive, you want to be prepared so that things go smoothly when you go to file your papers.

Have a Paralegal Draft Up the Forms for You

Another great way to get a divorce without an attorney is to hire a paralegal or legal assistant to draft up the forms for you. This is a great option if you feel uncomfortable filling out and filing the forms yourself. He or she can ensure that you've covered everything and make the chances of a problem or hitch very low. You can ask friends for a recommendation or check your local phone book. If you use the latter method, call around and make sure you're comfortable with the paralegal before you hire them to work for you. Also, keep in mind that the person you're hiring isn't able to render legal advice as this requires specific legal training.

Seek a Mediator

Mediation is another option for those who don't want to hire an attorney. With mediation, you and your spouse are able to calmly and effectively decide who gets what and how the division of property and assets will work. Because you will need a trained mediator to help you sort things out, even the most bitter and hostile of spouses can work together to come up with a solution that will work for both parties. You won't need a lawyer and you can avoid the circus of courtroom litigation. An added bonus is the fact that you decide where your stuff goes rather than some judge who knows very little about you and your situation. Mediation is a great way to get divorced without an attorney.

By using these methods, you are able to seek a divorce without the help of an attorney. Not only can this save you thousands of dollars but you have the potential of saving yourself a lot of heartache as well. Good luck.

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