Insurance Renters Insurance

Cover Your Teenagers With Home Insurance

Do you worry when your teenagers go out at night? Are they safe? Are they doing something they shouldn't? Are they getting into trouble? Now to add stress on stress for parents, you have something else to worry about.
A recent survey shows that last year, 1 in 4 teenagers has lost a major item through carelessness or theft.
The survey was commissioned amid growing concern about teenager on teenager crime.
These days teenagers have expensive tastes and enjoy emulating each other.
So if you're a "have not" and want to be a "have", more and more are stealing the things they want.
There have even been speeches in the House of Commons about these matters.
Jacqui Smith the Home Secretary warned parents earlier this year that youngsters are routinely carrying hot product worth hundreds of pounds and as such were prime targets for crime.
According to the Metropolitan Police, current crime statistics reveal that a mobile telephone is stolen in about 50% of all street crime and in approximately 30% of cases it is the only property stolen.
This automatically begs the question, have you ever considered considering insuring the clothes your teenager goes out in at night? Or even the gadgets they take with them? The research implies that you must, especially their mobile phones.
When the average teenager goes out at night the research has shown that that they're wearing clothes and carrying gadgets valued at £655.
That's £225 for the clothes, watch £72, £48 in cash with the balance easily accounted for by a mobile phone, Ipod or hand held games console.
It adds up doesn't it! That's according to a survey of 3,000 parents carried out by Allianz, the insurers.
Youngsters out alone are especially vulnerable.
So remember to remind your kids to conceal their valuable items as much as possible when they are out and about.
If their expensive gadgets can't be seen, they are less likely to be targeted by a thief.
This concern explains why 40% of parents are now insuring their children's belongings within their Home and Contents insurance policies.
But do ensure that you extend you cover for losses whilst away from home.
Not all polices automatically include this category of cover.
And double check whether you need to specifically list those electronic gadgets! When it comes to insurance the golden rule is: never assume that you're covered.
Always carefully check out the details of the cover before you commit to a policy or renew.
If you are not sure whether your existing policy provides the cover you need, and you bought the policy through a broker, phone them and ask them to check.
If they are not helpful, remind them that they earn commission each year from your Home and Contents policy - that should focus their attention! If you bought your policy direct from the insurer, call their customer help line (you'll usually find their phone number within the documents they sent to you when you took the policy out or when you last renewed).
If you find that you are not covered, it should be easy to extend the insurance to cover the extra risks.

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