Health & Medical Women's Health

A Guide to Natural Female Sexual Enhancers

The responsibilities and pressures placed on today's modern women can cause a lack of libido.
Managing a family, a career, sticking to a diet and a myriad other responsibilities are enough to drain one to the point of falling asleep the moment one's head hits the pillow.
Several drugs are available for men to deal with erectile dysfunction and male enhancement.
Women can now get female sexual enhancers too.
These products will help the way the body responds to physical stimulation.
Sexual fulfillment is experienced when the physical and emotional being of a person submerge to bring about ecstasy.
This brings about a deeper connection with the body and with one's partner.
Several products exist for women to enhance libido and their sexual performance.
Some of the products are highly effective and others are not effective at all.
Increasing blood flow to the sex organ is an effective method.
It results in relaxed muscles and vaginal lubrication.
Loss of sexual arousal in women is however not always due to lack of vaginal lubrication.
These women do not always benefit from such treatment.
Testosterone is a male sex hormone that is sometimes prescribed for female sexuality.
This is of benefit particularly for women who have undergone hysterectomy or similar operations.
Testosterone treatment is available in pills and in patches.
And has been shown to give some improvement in the sexual function of women.
Estrogen is a female hormone that maintains increased sexual sensation and vaginal lubrication.
The vaginal tissue is kept healthy thanks to this hormone.
Blood flow to the vagina is also improved for increased sensations.
Estrogen is available in gels, pills and patches.
Herbal libido enhancers are all natural and safe for use.
Therefore they have no side effects.
These treatments improve circulation and lubricates the genitals.
This intensifies sexual sensations as well as enhancing a woman's desire.
Natural ingredients that are found helpful for the condition include DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), Ginkgo biloba, L-Arginine, Yohimbe and Damiana.
Other beneficial remedies include Rhodiola Rosea, Vitamin C, Molybdenum, Maca and Horney Goat Weed.
Topical creams are also available as female sexual enhancers.
These creams are clinically formulated to be applied intimately.
This helps to increase sexual response, alleviate vaginal dryness and stimulate blood flow.
Such a product should be of quality and pH balanced.
Petroleum-based products are known to disrupt the normal environment of the vagina.
Making use of these products will enhance ones sexual experience.

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