Health & Medical Anti Aging

The Importance of the Five Tibetans" Sixth Rite

What are the five Tibetan rites- Before we can analyse the importance of the five Tibetans sixth rite, we first have to define exactly what the five Tibetan rites are.
The rites form part of a 2500 year old exercise regime with the aim of restoring of our health vortexes located in the brain, brow, throat, hearth, solar plexus, spleen and root.
Even though these vortexes are solely located in these seven regions of the body they have a serious impact on your entire body.
What are the six rites? The first rite consists merely out of spinning.
Arms are extended to sides of the body and spun in a clockwise direction to fling any negative residue from the body.
Twenty one revolutions should be completed before moving on to Rite two.
Rite Two consists out of raising head and legs at the same time while laying on your back until aligned with chin tucked against chest area.
The legs and head are then slowly lowered while breathing deeply in and out.
Breath in while lifting and out while lowering.
Rite three, comprises primary of bending backwards on knees while looking upward with hands on back legs underneath buttocks.
The arching should be repeated twenty one times.
Rite four entails the raising of the body from sitting up straight position, while bending the knees.
Arms must be vertically and shoulders to knees should be horizontally positioned.
Again breathing techniques will be extremely important.
Breath in while raising and out while lowering.
Rite five consists out of standing on your hands and feet simultaneously and then stretching and pointing out your bottom with head down until chin touches your chest.
Bring head back up and let it lay back.
Rite six is primarily abdominal breathing exercises.
Purpose of Five Tibetans' sixth rite- Tibetans believe that abdominal breathing exercises have to potential to turn you into a super human being by channelling the force created by breathing techniques into balance and harmony though out all seven vortex regions.
Sexual urge- Another Tibetan belief is that only persons with an active sexual urge will be able to complete Rite six due to the transmission of reproductive energy with the rite.

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