Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

A New Lifestyle to Prevent Pimples

If you've bought countless of acne products, only to be disappointed by the lack of results, you are part growing number of people, both teenage and adult, that have no answers for their acne problems.

Preventing pimples takes more effort than applying a daily regimen to the face. Although this is a necessary part of the solution, a lifestyle change will finally yield the clear skin that seems impossible to attain. Three pillars must be addressed by this lifestyle on a daily basis.
Diet: The most important pillar

Diary must absolutely be avoided. Dairy has been linked to acne in a number of medical studies. Countless people who's acne regimen failed to clear their skin finally toOK measures to remove dairy from their diet. Then and only then did their skin clear up with lasting results. Cheese, milk, ice cream, sour cream, and dairy-rich coffee drinks must be avoided.
Avoid Dietary Iodine. Processed food, fast food, sugar soft drinks, snacks high in salt, ramen noodles, V-8, and high in sodium sports drinks can also aggravate acne.
Peanuts and peanut butter contain hormones that can cause breakouts. Other nuts are OK to eat.
Questionable sources of fish have been linked to a rash-like type of acne. If your acne comes in the form of a rash, try eliminating seafood from your diet for a month or two.
Reduce Your Stress

Stress is commonly known to tangle with hormones.
1. Take up yoga, or practice meditation. Both have tremendous affects on stress levels. Implementing these into our lives is creating a daily habit of stress reduction. It is this lifestyle that will help control hormone levels.
2. Get enough sleep. 7-8 uninterrupted hours of sleep is required. Better sleep will help clear acne and give a more radiating glow to the face. Lack of sleep has been linked to increased levels of stress.

Pay Attention to What Touches Your Skin
1. Laundry products must be free from perfumes and dyes. Avoid fabric softeners.
2. Instead of using a towel to dry your face after a shower/face wash, use a paper towel. Your normal bathroom towel is a breeding ground for bacteria.
3. Avoid toothpaste that contains sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). If you notice your breakouts are around your chin and mouth, check the ingredients on the back of your toothpaste.
4. If breakouts are concentrated near the hairline, forehead, or temple, check your hair products. Make sure they are unscented.

Acne attacks our skin from all fronts. Preventing pimples requires us to make sure we are taking all the steps listed above. With this lifestyle change, we are giving ourselves the best opportunity to preventing pimples.

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