Ecourse Training - What"s the Secret Ingredient For Your Ecourse?
I got this question recently: What key ingredients should we include in our free ecourse to convert the visitor to a paying client? I love this question because it revolves around a totally non-techie issue.
Usually, people are looking for that little spark of the "Ah-ha!" that sometimes comes with writings and/or readings.
The point it, YOU, as a writer or creator of the Ecourse, cannot predict when someone will have that "Ah-Ha!" moment and decide to buy more stuff from you.
All that being said, if there was to be a key ingredient include with an Ecourse it would have to be individualism.
You need to put "You" into your Ecourse.
Your personality needs to come through; people need to feel who you are.
They need to get that warm fuzzy feeling about you.
Here's a Real World example of what I'm talking about: I was out looking at houses with the parents a while back and we talked with a builder and the first thing he said to me was "fill this form out.
" Now, that just rubbed me the wrong way and I don't know why, but from then on out, I wasn't giving that guy the time of day.
He could have GIVEN me the house and I wouldn't have taken it from him, we just didn't get along.
On the other hand, my sister and he got along just great.
She thought he was the best person we'd spoken to that day.
My point is, you will NOT please everyone all the time, so don't try to do so.
The best ingredient you could EVER put into your Ecourse is YOU! Utilize your personality.
If you feel your personality puts people off, then change it.
"Oh Drew, you can't change your personality.
Whatever it is, it is.
" That may be true OUTSIDE the internet, but within the confines and the cloak-ness of the world wide web, you can be whoever you want to be.
Usually, people are looking for that little spark of the "Ah-ha!" that sometimes comes with writings and/or readings.
The point it, YOU, as a writer or creator of the Ecourse, cannot predict when someone will have that "Ah-Ha!" moment and decide to buy more stuff from you.
All that being said, if there was to be a key ingredient include with an Ecourse it would have to be individualism.
You need to put "You" into your Ecourse.
Your personality needs to come through; people need to feel who you are.
They need to get that warm fuzzy feeling about you.
Here's a Real World example of what I'm talking about: I was out looking at houses with the parents a while back and we talked with a builder and the first thing he said to me was "fill this form out.
" Now, that just rubbed me the wrong way and I don't know why, but from then on out, I wasn't giving that guy the time of day.
He could have GIVEN me the house and I wouldn't have taken it from him, we just didn't get along.
On the other hand, my sister and he got along just great.
She thought he was the best person we'd spoken to that day.
My point is, you will NOT please everyone all the time, so don't try to do so.
The best ingredient you could EVER put into your Ecourse is YOU! Utilize your personality.
If you feel your personality puts people off, then change it.
"Oh Drew, you can't change your personality.
Whatever it is, it is.
" That may be true OUTSIDE the internet, but within the confines and the cloak-ness of the world wide web, you can be whoever you want to be.