Why You Need a Diabetes Diet for Lowering Your Blood Sugar Level?
I am a diabetic, and it becomes essential for me to take a diet that is suitable for maintaining my blood sugar level.
I keep on researching and always try to stick to the right diet plan.
It is very common for the diabetes patients to feel morose, and to fight back is the only alternative they are left with.
As my father always said, "Choosing life to death is always a better alternative.
" Therefore, I can never let the debilitating effects of the disease make me feel helpless and depressed.
Diabetes is one of those conditions that can be controlled by taking proper diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
There are several medications, and natural methods to deal with the disease and the greatest benefit of doing so is that you can even enjoy your favorite dessert a couple of times in a month.
Isn't it great? The pancreas in our body produces insulin that assists the body to store the sugar from the carbohydrate supplements for the future use.
It also restrict the sugar level from dropping (hypoglycemia) or escalating (hyperglycemia).
Wrong food habits and excessive intake of food by the diabetic people can disrupt the insulin level and can result in serious health issues.
Especially, obese people have to be very careful as a further rise in their weight can make their condition even worse.
The main aim of the article is to highlight the dietary recommendations for diabetics.
Several scientific researches have proven that diabetes is one of those diseases that can be easily controlled by making minor changes in a daily diet and lifestyle.
Needless to mention, including exercise in a daily routine is critical for helping the pancreas to produce optimum insulin in the body.
Diabetes Diet It is imperative for a diabetes patient to take a restricted diet, but apart from that, it is also necessary to: Focus on low-calorie diet - If you are one of the unfortunate individuals suffering from diabetes, you must remember that your calorie intake should not exceed the optimum level required by your body.
Only a good physician can advise on the total calorie intake.
It is also necessary for such patients to avoid the food items that gets quickly converted to glucose.
Food and snacks rich in fats, proteins and carbohydrates are the rich sources that contribute to the accelerated sugar levels and must be avoided.
Consume less food per meal - Taking complete diet at one go can accelerate the sugar level.
Therefore, consuming less food per meal does not disturb the insulin level in the body and is a perfect strategy for diabetes patients to maintain their physical well-being.
According to the recommendation of the World Health Organization, sugar patients must take a balanced nutrition that must comprise of 15-20% of proteins and 25-30% of fatty food daily.
They must split their diet into 3-7 servings per day that must not exceed 100 grams of staple food per meal and must include more of fruits and veggie consumption daily.
The weekly consumption of egg must not exceed the number of 3-4.
As an average egg contains 215 mgs of cholesterol in the yolk, it is advisable for them to focus more on egg whites or egg products.
Even the consumption of salt, oil, cheese, red meat and milk should also be less as these are high in cholesterol and can accelerate blood pressure and also increases the chances of cardiovascular diseases and cardiac attacks among the diabetes patients.
Sticking to a high fiber diet - Fiber helps a person to stay full and at the same time maintains an equilibrium between the blood sugar level and blood fat.
Therefore, consumption of green vegetables, coarse grains and fruits are considered beneficial for diabetes patients.
Even the implementation of raw onion and garlic in their treatment plan works miraculously and help a person stay fit naturally without spending thousands of bucks on medicines.
Cutting on alcohol, caffeine and tobacco - Alcohol, tobacco, cigarettes, and caffeine are bad for the health of the people suffering from the condition and must be eliminated from their dictionary of diet forever.
High consumption of water - Water flushes out the toxins from the body and helps a person to stay healthy.
It also manages sugar level in the body.
Drinking 9-10 glasses of water is advisable to every human being, whether a diabetic or not.
Diabetes is a lifelong disease that is often linked to kidney failures, heart strokes, tooth decays, neuropathy, weak eyesight, fatigue, weakness, high blood pressure, cataract, foot ulcers, recurrence of infections in the body and many other diseases.
I keep on researching and always try to stick to the right diet plan.
It is very common for the diabetes patients to feel morose, and to fight back is the only alternative they are left with.
As my father always said, "Choosing life to death is always a better alternative.
" Therefore, I can never let the debilitating effects of the disease make me feel helpless and depressed.
Diabetes is one of those conditions that can be controlled by taking proper diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
There are several medications, and natural methods to deal with the disease and the greatest benefit of doing so is that you can even enjoy your favorite dessert a couple of times in a month.
Isn't it great? The pancreas in our body produces insulin that assists the body to store the sugar from the carbohydrate supplements for the future use.
It also restrict the sugar level from dropping (hypoglycemia) or escalating (hyperglycemia).
Wrong food habits and excessive intake of food by the diabetic people can disrupt the insulin level and can result in serious health issues.
Especially, obese people have to be very careful as a further rise in their weight can make their condition even worse.
The main aim of the article is to highlight the dietary recommendations for diabetics.
Several scientific researches have proven that diabetes is one of those diseases that can be easily controlled by making minor changes in a daily diet and lifestyle.
Needless to mention, including exercise in a daily routine is critical for helping the pancreas to produce optimum insulin in the body.
Diabetes Diet It is imperative for a diabetes patient to take a restricted diet, but apart from that, it is also necessary to: Focus on low-calorie diet - If you are one of the unfortunate individuals suffering from diabetes, you must remember that your calorie intake should not exceed the optimum level required by your body.
Only a good physician can advise on the total calorie intake.
It is also necessary for such patients to avoid the food items that gets quickly converted to glucose.
Food and snacks rich in fats, proteins and carbohydrates are the rich sources that contribute to the accelerated sugar levels and must be avoided.
Consume less food per meal - Taking complete diet at one go can accelerate the sugar level.
Therefore, consuming less food per meal does not disturb the insulin level in the body and is a perfect strategy for diabetes patients to maintain their physical well-being.
According to the recommendation of the World Health Organization, sugar patients must take a balanced nutrition that must comprise of 15-20% of proteins and 25-30% of fatty food daily.
They must split their diet into 3-7 servings per day that must not exceed 100 grams of staple food per meal and must include more of fruits and veggie consumption daily.
The weekly consumption of egg must not exceed the number of 3-4.
As an average egg contains 215 mgs of cholesterol in the yolk, it is advisable for them to focus more on egg whites or egg products.
Even the consumption of salt, oil, cheese, red meat and milk should also be less as these are high in cholesterol and can accelerate blood pressure and also increases the chances of cardiovascular diseases and cardiac attacks among the diabetes patients.
Sticking to a high fiber diet - Fiber helps a person to stay full and at the same time maintains an equilibrium between the blood sugar level and blood fat.
Therefore, consumption of green vegetables, coarse grains and fruits are considered beneficial for diabetes patients.
Even the implementation of raw onion and garlic in their treatment plan works miraculously and help a person stay fit naturally without spending thousands of bucks on medicines.
Cutting on alcohol, caffeine and tobacco - Alcohol, tobacco, cigarettes, and caffeine are bad for the health of the people suffering from the condition and must be eliminated from their dictionary of diet forever.
High consumption of water - Water flushes out the toxins from the body and helps a person to stay healthy.
It also manages sugar level in the body.
Drinking 9-10 glasses of water is advisable to every human being, whether a diabetic or not.
Diabetes is a lifelong disease that is often linked to kidney failures, heart strokes, tooth decays, neuropathy, weak eyesight, fatigue, weakness, high blood pressure, cataract, foot ulcers, recurrence of infections in the body and many other diseases.