Business & Finance Careers & Employment

9 Ways to Kill the Office-Gossip Vine

Once you work with other people talking to them is inevitable but, be aware of the workplace grapevine that twists, turns and distorts words.
So to avoid gossip, 1.
Behave well everywhere you go.
Do not think because you are out of the office and at the shops you can lose your temper, shout at the teller or jump the queue.
Be consistent and behave well no matter where you are.
This includes your social media hang outs.
Beware, some people are very good at making others feel comfortable and liked.
This is not necessarily a sign that you should pour out your heart to them.
Many people are friendly, but do not assume they are your friend.
Do not have love affairs at work.
They are the most transparent and easiest to spot for every one.
Also, they are the quickest way to lose face no matter how mature and discreet you think you are being.
Or that you will be friends when it is over.
You never are and that's when the talking starts 4.
Do not share too much information about your personal life.
Sharing every detail about the goings on at home with office-mates will only provide them with material for gossip.
Do not write or send personal information using office messaging systems.
The message may accidentally end up in everyone's receive folder and not just the one or two persons you meant it for.
Maintain proper channels of communication and do not discuss professional problems with your junior's unless it is directly to do with them.
Take the problem higher up to the next person in the chain of command (who ever that maybe for you).
Stop the chain by not forwarding offensive material or comments about another person or business.
Sometimes this forwarding habit may give people a reason not to trust you.
Try not to leave home angry and frustrated about something.
Chances are you will be at the peak of your anger and ready to blow off steam by the time you get to work.
Some innocent person may bear the brunt of your frustration or things may be shared that you did not intend to.
Walk away from and do not take part in the tittle-tattle.
Share only what you know is true and useful and refuse to take part in hurting someone else's reputation or business.

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