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Magic Rabbit Craft Idea for a Magic Party

Plenty of magicians have the classic trick of pulling a rabbit out of a hat, but you can create one at your magic party.
This is a great craft for those magicians who are just starting out in their career field and don't yet have a live rabbit of their own! Magic Rabbit For this Magic party craft item you'll need the following supplies; any unwanted CD, white acrylic paint, black, white and pink felt, 1 large white pompom.
6 tiny pink pompoms and 1 small pink pompom, googly eye buttons, whiskers or black embroidery floss, craft glue and a magnet.
Begin your Magic bunny by tracing the CD onto the black felt.
Next you'll paint the CD white and let it dry.
Trace a round face, two paws, two feet and two ears onto the white felt.
Remember these pieces will be attached to the CD, so keep relative size in mind.
Cut out.
In the pink felt, cut out two pink pieces, smaller than the white ear shapes, and glue in place as the inner ears.
From here you'll glue the ears to the back of the round circle for the magic rabbit's face.
Then, glue the whiskers (black embroidery floss) to the sides of the face.
Glue on the pink pompom for the nose.
Add the eye buttons to the face.
Finally, glue the feet to the bottom of the CD and place the large white pompom between for the tail.
Attach three of the tiny pink pompoms to the tips or the top ends of each of the feet to serve as toes.
Glue the paws to the upper outside edges of the CD.
Voila! You've just completed a Magic Rabbit to pull out of the magician's hat at your party.
You can also get some black felt to cut into the shape of a simple stovepipe hat for the magic rabbit.
Make it small enough to place on the rabbit's head or have the rabbit holding in one of his paws.

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