Insurance Renters Insurance

Insuring Your Home For Less - 3 Ways to Lower Your Homeowners Rates

Although becoming a homeowner is a dream come true for many people, it also comes with many added financial responsibilities.
On the top of the list is homeowners insurance.
Choosing the right coverage at the right price is essential for adequately protecting your home, while keeping your monthly homeowners premiums as low as possible.
Below are three great ways to save on your home insurance policy without lessening your coverage, or cutting out any coverage options.
1) Every homeowners insurance company will give big discounts for a house that has been made safe against burglary and fire.
While adding a sprinkler system to the interior of your home, or getting a state of the art burglar alarm system installed is not affordable for the great majority of homeowners, there are affordable steps that you can take to impress the insurance company enough to realize big discounts on your rates.
Security doors, wireless camera systems, top notch smoke detectors, motion sensor light systems, window locks, and many other affordable products should be installed to make your home safer from fire and burglary.
2) Choose a higher deductible.
On average, homeowners make a claim on their home policies once every three years.
The majority of these claims are for amounts less than $15,000.
Choosing a higher deductible is a great way to reduce your rates.
If you have taken the necessary precautions to make your home safe, you probably won't be making many claims anyway.
Paying more out of pocket at the time of making a claim will still leave you better off financially because of all the money you would have saved on your premiums by opting for the higher deductible.
3)Don't insure your home or its possessions twice.
There are several home insurance coverage options that people choose to get, that aren't necessary.
They aren't necessary because the coverage that they provide are already taken care of from other insurance policies that the homeowners hold.
(Health insurance, auto insurance, etc.
) Make sure to know your policies well and leave out coverage options that you don't need.

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